Scorching of skin is an emotional injury and it takes place when an individual is hit by any shock, fire, water vapors etc. or any other ardor. Burns can be either an acute or a chronic one depending upon its severity and which are lower than ten percent are considered to minor. Minor burns are quite painful making the epidermis slightly red and may turn into rashes if good care is not taken and may recover in a week’s time.
The second degree burn stretch towards the fibrous tissue recovering in a span of three weeks and the major burns destroy every layer of the skin and healing may take a long time. Few natural cures or remedies may be followed strictly or adhered to immediately for first and second degree burns whereas for third degree burns a surgery is required. The natural cures are very helpful and without much effort, expense and time we can overcome burns. They are:-
5 Natural Cures For Burnt Skin
Application of Cold Water
Immediately when an individual undergoes a burn an application of cold water or cold milk is an effective solution to provide relief to the burns and placing of hands under the running tap for few minutes helps in getting away with burning sensations. An application of ice may be harmful since it constricts the flow of blood and can harm the tissues.
A Mix Of Red And Yellow
The juices of both lemon and tomato help in soft dismissal of ruptured skin and provides in restoring of skin.
The acid present in lemons lightens the marks caused due to burns and the tomatoes when squeezed help in cleaning and sterilizing the skin. A cloth soaked in these juices should be applied over the burnt area for a span of a few hours.
Aloe Vera The Healing Agent
Minor burns can be treated by the aloe vera as it has got properties which can help in subsidization of pain, heal up the burns and various levels of skin.Before the application of gel the area which is burnt should be rubbed with cold water. The fresh gel from the aloe vera leaves should be then applied to overcome burns.
An Application Of Vinegar
The properties of being an antiseptic and also it helps the body tissues to contract. It helps in abstaining of contamination and healing of burns.A mix of water to the vinegar when applied towards the affected area helps in a relaxation of tissues beneath the skin. A cloth submerged in vinegar can also be applied on the area affected for a span of few hours and should be regularly changed.
Potatoes And Leaves Of Plantain
The juice of potato when cut into thin pieces should be compressed against the burnt skin which helps in providing a cooling sensation and keeps the skin away from itching.It helps in minimization of rashes and blisters. The leaves help in reduction of swelling and has properties of dealing with germs. The leaves should be grinded and the juice obtained should be in a direct contact with the skin.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.