Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that results in generalized, aching pain, which includes a painful response to pressure. People who suffer from fibromyalgia wake up with a chronic pain all over their body in the mornings. It causes fatigue, insomnia, joint stiffness, tender spots on the body, numbness, tingling, pain in the neck and shoulders. Symptoms tend to come and disappear on their own in cycles. While women seem to suffer more from this condition, and experience a more generalized pain, men tend to have localized effect like shoulder stiffness and pain.
The exact cause of fibromyalgia is still not known, but could be something to do with the central nervous system. The diagnosis is made based on the symptoms, their severity as well as by pressing and checking the tenderness on eleven of eighteen trigger points. Some people suffer from chronic fibromyalgia and find it really tough to deal with above symptoms, as well as nausea and headaches. These natural cures will help you to deal with these symptoms of fibromyalgia and reduce its occurrences.
Natural Cures For Fibromyalgia
Ginger is one of the easiest available natural cures that you can use to get relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Make some fresh ginger tea and have at least thrice a day as it helps reduce inflammation in your body, thus reducing muscle aches and fatigue.
You can also add a few drops of ginger oil to some olive oil and massage your whole body with it. This will help relax your fatigued muscles.
Turmeric also helps in reducing inflammation in your body, and is an effective natural painkiller. Fibromyalgia causes a lot of pain and aches all over the body, and your muscles get inflamed and painful.
Consuming turmeric by adding it to your cooking will help reduce inflammation and pain in your body. Even better, just add a half teaspoon of turmeric to a spoonful of honey and have twice a day.
Eat Oily Fish
Essential fatty acids like omega-3 possess a natural anti-inflammatory property, and are very helpful in reducing inflammation and pain in your body. Our body is not able to synthesize these essential fatty acids on its own.
We can get a healthy dose of omega-3 through oily fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna and trout. So, include these fish in your daily meals in order to get relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Flaxseeds are rich sources of natural omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial in reducing the severity of symptoms of fibromyalgia. They are also rich in fibre which helps improve digestion and flushes out toxins from your system.
You can just chew on some flaxseeds, followed by a glass of water, every day. Alternately, sprinkle some flaxseed powder over your food. Also, consuming food cooked in flaxseed oil is good for you.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper contains a substance called capsaicin, which is an effective painkiller and provides a lot of relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Add cayenne pepper powder to your meals and enjoy its health benefits.
Capsaicin lotions are also present in health stores, which you can buy and apply over the painful areas of your body. It helps to reduce the intensity of fibromyalgia pain.
Epsom Salt Baths
Research studies indicate that fibromyalgia patients tend to have a deficiency in magnesium levels. Magnesium is a vital mineral that regulates the normal functioning of your body. A deficiency in magnesium results in the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. So, if you are suffering from fibromyalgia, Epsom salt baths are an easy way to make up for magnesium deficiency as they are rich in hydrated magnesium sulphate, which gets absorbed through your skin.
Soaking in an Epsom salt bath for half an hour every day will help flush out toxins from your body, ease muscle pain and relieve stress. Magnesium helps bind a chemical called serotonin within the brain, which helps you feel good and relaxed. Take an Epsom salt bath just before going to bed and it will allow you to sleep really well.
Massage With Essential Oils
A daily massage with an essential oil, such as lavender or rosemary oil, will be very beneficial in reducing the pain and tenderness in your aching muscles due to fibromyalgia. This massage will promote relaxation and reduce your anxiety, allowing you to sleep well if done before bedtime every night. Take a warm shower after the massage.
Get Some Sunlight
Research indicates that a lack of vitamin D in your body can lead to generalized aches and pain in your body. Vitamin D deficiency also leads to depression and anxiety which are symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. So, if you are suffering from this condition, get a lot of vitamin D by soaking in natural sunlight for half an hour every day. This is the simplest natural remedy that will help relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia. If you are living in an area where there isn’t much sunlight, you can consider consuming vitamin D supplements.
Reduce Stress
Overexertion and emotional stress can worsen the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Learn to relax and avoid overdoing things. Adopt some stress management techniques like deep breathing exercises and meditation.
Getting good sleep and rest is important as they help to relax and recuperate your body. Light exercises, such as walking, swimming and cycling, also release good chemicals in your body which help reduce stress and symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Good Nutrition
Eating foods that provide you with a good supply of antioxidants and help improve your body’s immunity will be very beneficial in coping with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Have lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, lean meats and fish. You must eliminate foods that seem to trigger pains and aches in your body. Maintain a food diary which includes all such observations.
Junk foods, sugar, and too much of animal protein should be avoided. Avoid deep fried foods and hydrogenated oils; instead use virgin oil in your cooking. Calcium is also important for maintaining health of your muscles and bones. You can get it easily from milk and milk products. Kale, spinach, okra, cabbage and turnips are some of the best natural sources of calcium.
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