Millions of people suffer from head congestion. Headaches usually don’t cause any kind of serious problem and tend to get resolved within a week’s time with proper care measures. During head congestion the sinus and nasal passage are either inflamed or gets swollen because of the expansion blood vessels.
Head congestion is a temporary problem and can occur due to numerous reasons. It is believed that head congestion is caused either as a result of influenza or common cold. It may also be caused as a result viral infection or simply due to allergies present in the air such dust particles etc.
Some of the common symptoms often acknowledged in people suffering from head congestion are cough, sore throat, earaches, breathing difficulties, headache and their sinus problems tend to shoot up. Discomfort and intense pain are usually noticed among the patients. One doesn’t need to immediately rush to a doctor to treat head congestion.
Most people opt for natural protocols to clear the congestion in the head rather than antibiotics and anti allergy drugs as they might cause severe side effects in your body unknowingly. Natural cure is most effective and highly recommended treatment for head congestion. One can try the cures listed below as these multi step processing might just alleviate head congestion and its symptoms.
A person suffering from head congestion should try and maintain their regular exercises. Exercises help to clear congestion. Breathing exercises helps to clear nasal congestion. In general exercise increases the patient blood circulation level within the body thus clearing sinus pressure.
Standing forward bend exercises and support bridge poses are also helpful in energizing head and respiratory functioning and get rid of sinus congestion and its symptom. Regular walk is also recommended as it stimulates the patient’s body thus clearing all kind chest and head congestion.
Another best natural remedy that helps to cure head congestion is acupuncture therapy. If a patient in regular suffers from chronic head congestion then they might just benefit from acupuncture therapy. Acupuncture is the Chinese traditional where they use thin needles that are inserted in specific parts of body to regulate the immune response to allergens.
But such kind of therapy is often conducted only when recommended by a physician. But in most cases acupuncture has been successfully able to completely cure head congestion and its related symptoms.
In general water intake is very much effective as it helps to flush away toxins and unwanted wastes from your body. If a person is suffering from head congestion then one must increase the intake of water. Water helps to thin the mucous.
Extra intake of fluids will prevent from dehydration and make clear away head congestion. One can consume lukewarm water as it open up nasal passage and relieves the patient from nasal congestion. Hot vegetable soups also help to reduce sinus congestion and relieve the patient from head congestion.
A lot of people look for aromatherapy for clearing head congestion and its related symptoms. Since traditional times it is believed that essential oils simply works best in combating cold and congestion problems. One can mix 1 teaspoon of rosemary oil, lemon and eucalyptus oil in equal amounts and blend it properly.
Massage it gently over the cheekbones, nose, chest and temples to relieve from head and nasal congestion. Massage for 15-20 minutes daily. Within a week’s time it might just alleviate all kind of discomfort and pain occurred due to congestion.
Homeopathic remedy is another best natural therapy that helps in relieving the patient from cold and cough problems and clearing head congestion. In general people opt for homeopathy remedy for treating head congestion as it has successfully been able to achieve success and its medicine is free from all kind of side effects.
Most mothers consider homeopathic medicines as an effective mode of natural remedy that provides relief to children from cold, cough, head and chest congestion. Some of the commonly known medicines Arsenicum, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Bryonia, China that helps to control pain anxiety, irritation, breathing problems and head ache in the patient occurred due to head congestion.
But one need to consult a homeopathic consultant before consuming above mentioned medicines as which medicine may best suit the patient according to his condition. These medicines should be taken as directed by the consultation.
Ginger is considered to be an effective way that helps the sinus and mucous to clog and eases the patient from head congestion. Ginger contains anti inflammatory properties that helps to reduce inflammation caused due to head congestion. Ginger is considered to be a therapeutic therapy that reduces headache and earaches.
One can boil a cup of water in a bowl and add some amount of ginger cloves to it. After boiling strain the ginger water. Add some amount of honey for taste. Consume ginger tea 2-3 times in a day. Sip the tea slowly for congestion to clear up. It helps to reduce sinusitis and soreness of throat. Within a week’s time it eradicates the problem of head congestion.
Steam since ages have been used to cure chest and head congestion. It helps the mucus to loosen thus opening up nasal and lung passages. In a bowl of hot water add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil or peppermint oil and then drape a towel around your head.
Inhale the steam for 10- 15 minutes. Steam inhalation is one of the most effective treatments that help to reduce head and chest congestion. Try this procedure 2-3 times in a day for effective result.
Another good remedy to clear head congestion is consuming raw garlic cloves. Garlic contains antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties that boost the patient’s immune system.
One can extract juice from garlic cloves and add it in a glass of water. Gulp it down immediately. Try such a remedy 2-3 times in a day for an effective result. Garlic works beautifully in eradicating cold and sinusitis concern.
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