Tiredness is a natural physical state of body which is a consequence of day long busy schedule, work and also a signal for our body to take rest. In some cases people experience persistent tiredness even after taking ample rest, this might be an indication of other medical problems like deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals, anaemia, depression etc.
Tiredness can bring about a feeling of weakness, makes you feel drowsy and with hardly any energy left in the body. In this write up we will look into various natural cures that can alleviate tiredness and make you fresh for the next session of your daily activities.
Best Natural Cures For Tiredness
Tea & Coffee
Many people who have to work late can be seen sipping a cup of hot coffee through their tasks. The reason being that coffee contains caffeine which stimulates the brain and keeps it alert alleviating the effects of sleepiness. However, one cup of coffee is enough to alleviate tiredness immediately instead of consuming mugs after mugs of this drink. Caffeine is known to cause dehydration which can actually make you more tired.
Tea is another daily drink that contains flavonoids and is an excellent anti-oxidant. A cup of tea can alleviate heavy head and headaches in minutes giving you a fresh start to the upcoming tasks at hand. Black tea, green tea, lemongrass or lemon tea are some examples of teas that are recommended for tiredness. Chamomile and Valerian root tea must be avoided as they do relax your body but also have sedative properties which can actually put you to sleep. But if it is your extreme tiredness that is keeping you from getting a good sleep then these two teas are great alternatives.
Aromatic Oils
A warm water bath can work like a miracle on your tired body. Adding aromatic oils like Eucalyptus, peppermint oil, vanilla, sandal or lavender are considered best for such purposes. These aromatic oils can relax you almost instantaneously. These oils not only soothe your senses but oils like menthol and eucalyptus has a property which widens the air passageway.
This increases the inhalation and absorption of oxygen which stimulates healthy blood circulation throughout the body. This rejuvenates the body and mind relieving you of all tiredness and stress. These oils can also be used for body massage which involves pressing certain point in the body that releases pent up stress and alleviates pain along with bringing back the flexibility of joints and making you ready for a relaxed evening or a work out session!
Yoga is a form of mental and physical exercise which aims at balancing the harmony of your senses, body and mind. Yoga includes many postures and asanas that involve heavy physical exertion and some other which just require your focus. The latter type of postures are great for washing away tiredness and fatigue. Yoga also concentrates on the rhythm of your breathing and corrects the abnormalities in it.
This increases the oxygen levels in the body and result in increased vitality. Pranayam, Shavasana, Vajrasana, Anlom Vilom, Tadhasana, Ardha Chakrasana are some examples of Yoga postures that can help in reducing the tiredness of your body. Apart from yoga, indulging in mild exercises and sports releases the hormones in your body that surge the energy levels in your body and this is why daily exercise regimen is strongly recommended.
Your well being is a reflection of the diet you take. If you suffer from tiredness then try making some diet modifications and you may be able to cure your tiredness just by making these changes. Eat small portions of meals and increase the number of meals you take during the day. Go low on fatty foods and refined carbohydrates. Always team up proteins with carbohydrates to reduce the drowsiness.
Many people tend to consume simple sugar laden foods that just spike the energy levels in the body but the fact is that they also lead to a fall in it suddenly and abruptly just like some drugs. Potassium and vitamin laden food items should form a large part of your meals. Spinach, Almonds, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, fish, egg whites, carrots, cucumber are some examples of such a diet. Also ensure that food and fruits high on water content have significant portion in your meals as adequate hydration can cure tiredness. Apart from these, magnesium rich diet containing Fish, beans, lentils, whole grains and bananas.
Oranges & Lemons
Oranges and lemons are both a very rich source of Vitamin C along coupled with high water content. Vitamin C is a vital nutrient in alleviating tiredness. However, it is a water soluble vitamin and gets eliminated out of your body very fast through bodily excretions.
Therefore, a daily dose of vitamin C is necessary to level up the vitamin C in the body. Adding iodine rich salt in orange or lemon juice can remove sluggishness from the body in no time as it aids in providing a hormonal balance in the body.
Schedule Your Sleep
Sleep is important for resting and alleviating the tiredness. However, a sleep routine of more than 8 hours in a day can make you more drowsy and sluggish. Excessive sleep deprives your body of essential regular nutrient and hydration which you would usually take while being awake. Therefore, always sleep according to a proper schedule and follow it up with some mild exercise and sip on water during and right after a night long sleep too.
If you feel excessive urge to sleep during the day then take a power nap and do not stretch it beyond 15-20 minutes. Avoid eating close to your mealtime as it hampers the process of digestion and your body has to work harder which can make you feel very tired in the morning as your body has been working hard internally even though you were sleeping. Therefore, time your meals at least one hour before your sleep and take a light walk or sit in the Vajrasana posture after you have had your food.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.