Depression is a disorder found among a considerable part of the population It manifests itself in mild forms and if the person is left untreated, suicidal tendency may even crawl in.
Drugs only help mask depression and most users relapse into it again. The most effective way to treat depression is by approaching it naturally.
How To Treat Depression
Meditation To Calm The Mind
A strong, happy, calm and focused mind cannot be affected by depression. This is holistic and effective approach to treat depression. The best way to achieve a calm and composed state of mind is through meditation. Practicing meditation for about ½ an hour per day can cure depression.
Psychologists say that when we meditate the brain calms down and its activity area shifts to the calmer side. Deep meditation can not only help you cope up with stress but is also beneficial for the body and helps treat chronic illnesses, heart problems, immune disorders and neural problems as well.
Good Sleep
A good night’s sleep is a great way to deal with depression. Sleeping not only provides time to rest for the body it also gives the brain some time to relax. The brain maybe over working and tires which pushes one towards depression, giving rest to the brain triggers calming chemical release which can hold your mind back from plunging into deprecating thoughts.
It is advised that you do not take help of medication to help yourself sleep on a regular basis. Avoid taking in coffee or other foods that’ll stimulate your brain and defer your sleep. You need atleast 8 hours of undisturbed sleep to refresh your mind and body.
Any Form Of Exercise
Studies have shown that exercising atleast for 30 minutes a day can alleviate the signs of depression and also help fight heart problems or blood pressure. A study conducted by “Archives of Internal Medicine” has confirmed that brisk walking for 40 minutes a day can effectively treat depression.
When you exercise, the temperature of the body is elevated that has a calming effect and releases chemicals like endorphins and norepinephrine. Endorphins are chemicals that improve the mood, boost the immune system and drives away depression. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that also boosts our energy and makes us happy.
The Positive Strategy
Optimism and keeping yourself happy and satisfied is a key of being away from depression. When you’re happy you don’t have time to be depressed! Personally I have found optimism really good.
If you’re aware that you have a tendency to go into bouts of depression always do engage your mind into something that you really love doing like painting, singing, hanging out with friends, movies and whatever it is that will bring a smile on your face. A friend of mine recently suffered from depression after her breakup.
I knew she loved malls and lights so I forced her to come with me to malls and enjoy herself, after initial hesitation she eventually overcame her depressed state and spent more time living life. It is really necessary that you love yourself and your life. Always look at life with the “HALF GLASS IS FULL” theory and you’ll never have a depressed mind.
Acupuncture is an ancient safe, chemical-free and effective method of treating depression and associated problems. Researchers who have studied the different pressure points of the body have pointed out that acupuncture on certain depression-specific body parts can help release body chemicals in the brain that alter your mood and make you happy. These chemicals are epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.
Vitamin C Fights Depression
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which is very useful in treating various conditions from skin problems to cardiovascular ailments. Vitamin C can also help reduce depression because it is associated with the formation and production of the mood enhancer neurotransmitter called epinephrine.
Vitamin C is not produced naturally in the body, so we depend on our diet to intake the requisite amount of the vitamin. Vitamin C rich foods include citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes, peppers, melons and green colored vegetables.
Magnesium Improves The Mood
A research institute confirmed in their studies that magnesium does play a positive role in reducing depression. Magnesium is a mineral that our body needs for bone growth, protein formation and muscular activities.
Inclusion of magnesium rich foods in your diet can help boost your mood and drive away any form of depression. Foods like almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, legumes, green vegetables and whole grains are rich in magnesium.
Folic Acid
Folic acid also known as Folate is a water soluble vitamin and is now known in the scientific world as vitamin M. Researchers conducting studies on depression at the University of Harvard have stated that depressed people have low folic acid levels in them.
You must see to it that you have enough folic acid n your diet not only to deter depression but also helps in keeping your body healthy. You’ll find Folate in fruits, green vegetables, beans and cereals. Folic acid can also be taken in tablet or capsule form.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are good fatty acids that are needed by the body to help the brain function normally. These provide the body with DHA and EPA that combat depression. Depression patients have low levels of these fatty acids. The best sources of omega-3 are fishes.
In countries where fish is a staple like China and Japan the cases of depression are very low compared to countries where fishes are not eaten on regular basis. Salmons, mackerels, sardines are rich sourced of the omega-3 fatty acids. However, if you do not like fish you can opt for fish oil capsules that are readily available in any local drugstore.
S-adenosyl-L-methionine is the full extensive form of SAM-e. These are found naturally in the body and are known to be responsible for increasing the mood enhancing chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. However, these are also found in capsule form and are widely used for treating depression.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is also known as Pyridoxine. It is needed by the body to produce chemicals that boost your mood like serotonin and dopamine. Include foods that are rich in this vitamin to have a healthy mind state. Egg yolk, liver, kidney and vegetables should be included in your daily food intake.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.