Categories: Natural Treatments

Natural Treatment For Head Lice


For treating head lice infestation; you have applied pesticides to your hair, inhaled toxic fumes and made your hair dry and brittle. The results were not satisfactory. Try natural treatment for head lice. Here are method and procedures for natural treatments for head lice that promise to give results without any side effects.

Head Lice Treatment


This is the primary device that will help you in treating head lice. There are two types of Lice-comb, a plastic version and a metal version. Plastic comb is preferable than the metal ones because it goes easy on the scalp. If extra pressure is applied then the metal ones may cut the scalp. These are very fine toothed combs especially designed to weed out lice. They are so fine toothed that it traps the lice and do not let them pass through. Comb your hair daily once with these and in month’s time your head will be free from lice.

Get Short Hair

If possible, cut your hair short. Short hair will decrease the natural habitat of the lice and it will be easier to detect and destroy them. Short hair allows sunrays to reach your scalp and lice dies when exposed to sunrays for few minutes. Short hair also makes it easier to easier to clean them.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils have the property of killing lice, reduce itching and sooths skin irritation. Make a concoction of 40 drops of tea-tree oil, 20 drops of rosemary oil, 30 drops of lemon oil and 30 drops of lemon oil. Mix it with 150 ml of odorless vegetable oil. Apply this mixture to your dry hair and cover it with a shower cap. Leave it for 30 minutes or more. Wash with shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Comb you hair with lice-comb. Redo this after every 5 days for two months. Your head will be free from lice.

Olive Oil

Oil you hair generously with olive oil and cover it with shower cap. Leave it overnight. Next day shampoo your hair and rinse several times and comb it thoroughly with a lice-comb. Your hair will be free from lice.

Coconut oil and Camphor

Mix one teaspoon of camphor with 200ml of coconut oil. Coconut oil immobile the louse and camphor fumes kills them. Both together make a deadly combination in fighting lice. Apply this mixture to your hair and cover it with a plastic shower cap. Either you can leave it overnight or sit in the sun for two hours. All your head lice will be dead. Comb your hair thoroughly with the lice-comb to remove the dead carcass of the lice. Shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Repeat this process every five days for a month and your hair will be free from lice.


Shampoo your hair. Apply table vinegar to your wet hair and let it soak for twenty minutes or more. For children dilute vinegar with 50% water. Vinegar not only kills lice but also dissolves the nits. Rinse your hair thoroughly and comb it. Repeat this process every five days till your hair is free from lice and nits.


Smother your hair with mayonnaise. Cover it with a shower cap and leave it for the night. Mayonnaise chokes the lice and it dies of suffocation. Due fatty oils in the mayonnaise the lice looses it grip on the hair shaft and is unable to move around. Shampoo your and rinse it thoroughly. You will require several applications of shampoo to get rid of mayonnaise smell. Comb your hair. Most of the lice will be out of your hair. Only the nits will be left back. Repeat this process after every seven days for a month.

Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline)

Petroleum Jelly is also good at treating head lice. The process is same as that of mayonnaise and it kills the lice in the same manner. In this case your head will not smell of mayonnaise but getting rid of petroleum jelly from your head is a tedious task in itself. You will require many applications of shampoo and rinsing to get rid of petroleum jelly from your head.


Benzyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol is also very good in removing head lice. First shampoo your hair and on your wet hair apply alcohol and cover it with a plastic shower cap. The fumes generated from the alcohol will kill the lice. Rinse thoroughly. A note of caution, do not use alcohol on children below 2 years of age.

Bees Wax

Bees wax is also helpful in treating head lice. It has both the property of fatty acids and alcohol. It kills lice by twin methods same as of mayonnaise and alcohol put together. Apply beeswax to your hair liberally. Cover it with a plastic shower cap and leave it for one hour. Shampoo and rinse thoroughly.


Water can also be used as a tool for treatment of head lice. Soak your head in warm water for fifteen to twenty minutes. The lice will suffocate and drown in water. This will only kill the live lice; the nits will be still there. Repeat this process for twenty days and your hair will be free from lice.

Go Bald

A louse needs hair to survive. When there is no hair, there won’t be any lice. You will be killing both the lice and the nits in a single shot. And you don’t even have to repeat this process again and again.

Never Share Your Personal Belongings

Prevention is better than cure. So, never ever share your personal belongings such as hair brushes, combs, hair clips, ribbons, hats, caps, etc. Sterilize them, and vow never to share them again.

Bed Sheets and Pillow Covers

Bed sheets and pillow covers are the main source of spread of lice. Wash them in very hot water on regular basis. Also vacuum your mattress and bed to remove any traces of lice.

It is not possible, but in case, all the above mentioned techniques fail, then there is the ultimate solution. Buy a monkey for pet. They are the natural predators of lice. No lice can get through the sharp eyes and nimble fingers of it.

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