Fungus mainly affects various parts of the body. Proper care and attention must be taken in order to cure the fungus problem. Foot fungus can be one of the most irritating kinds of fungus that is mainly due to the unhygienic condition.
The condition of the foot must be altered, which can thus provide proper solutions to foot fungus. Dermatophyte is the main reason behind the foot fungus. Due to the humid and warm foot, fungus develops at a very fast rate.
If this condition is neglected, then it can create severe conditions in the future. Athletes mainly suffer from this kind of situation due to damp shoes and socks. Lots of home remedies are available in order to handle foot fungus.
5 Best Natural Process To Cure Foot Fungus
Use Of Tea Tree OilÂ
Using tea tree oil, the entire problem of foot fungus can be eradicated at a very fast rate. The anti-fungal properties of the tea tree oil are very important, which can easily help to remove the fungus from the foot.
Tea tree oil is really very strong, and it must be diluted with water. Then it must be applied on the affected area on a regular basis.
Use Of Vinegar To Treat Foot Fungus
Vinegar is also a best solution in order to treat the foot fungus. A proper solution of vinegar can be prepared, and the foot must be soaked with such a solution.
The main solution is made by using four parts of water along with one part of vinegar. This solution can really work well on a long-term basis for solving foot fungus. It will eradicate the problem of fungus formation on the foot.
Use Of Baking SodaÂ
Baking soda is used in various kinds of things. Due to its benefits in many kinds of health issues, demand of baking soda has also increased in the present time.
Baking soda can be used to sprinkle on the fungus affected area. The respective area can then be cleaned after a period of 15 minutes. This is surely going to avoid the fungus formation at the foot.
Use Of Betadine SolutionÂ
Excessive fungus on the foot can lead to severe infection. In such cases, Betadine solution can be used in order to clean the foot fungus.
Betadine solution is one of the best antiseptic solutions that can be easily used to treat fungus infection such as foot fungus. With proper rinsing the foot fungus with Betadine solution, the level of infection can thus be reduced.
Use Of Apple Cider VinegarÂ
There is a lot of use of apple cider vinegar in the present-day scenario. This is also considered as the ultimate kind of solution for foot fungus. A proper solution of apple cider vinegar is made, and this solution must be used to clean the foot fungus.
Equal amount of apple cider vinegar is mixed well with water and is then used to rinse the foot. The acidic nature of the solution will help to kill the microorganisms.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.