Gum disease is also called as “periodontal disease” in the dental profession. Starting as slightly swollen gums, known as gingivitis, this condition may go ignored until substantial bone damage in the jaw takes place.
The dentists agree to the fact that our modern food plan of soft over-processed food stuff and substances that decompose tooth enamel all lead to gum disease. Here are several natural remedies that can be easily performed at home to treat gum disease.
Best Natural Treatments For Gum Disease
Vitamin D
Sun exposure in known as one of the best sources for vitamin D, as the ultraviolet rays from the sun prompts the production of vitamin D in the skin layers.
It is suggested to have ten to fifteen minutes of sun exposure two times in a week. If you are living in a polluted and a cloudy weathered city, then the less sun exposure should be enough. Choose a multi-vitamin that includes at least 200 IU.
Increase Coenzyme Q10 Level
There is certainly some evidence has been connecting gum disease to reduce the density of coenzyme q10, an anti-oxidant produced naturally inside the body, found commonly in foods and in the form of supplement. Many researchers state that coenzyme q10 can easily repair gum tissue. You must always choose the toothpaste having coenzyme q10 from your nearest health-food outlets or natural grocers, and also on the web.
Tea Tree Oil
Using tea tree oil can help you curing gum disease as it is antibiotic in nature. If you brush with tea tree oil, then a considerable decrease in the level of gingivitis and bleeding can be noticed. However, tea tree oil cream or gel did not decrease the level of plaque. Apply tea tree toothpaste available in market, not tea tree oil.
Consume Cranberry
Cranberry can help gum disease by avoiding germs from sticking to teeth. Consume cranberry juice without including sugar to it. An average quantity is four ounces per day. Talk to your doctor in case you are having kidney stones or the blood thinner warfare.
Also Read
Natural Cure For Gum Disease
Herbal Remedies For Gum Diseases
9 Effective Home Remedies For Bleeding Gums
Natural Cures For Receding Gums
Increase Vitamin C Intake
Vitamin C is considered to help gum disease due to vitamin C is an anti-oxidant which is essential to repair connective cells and increase bone regeneration.
To increase your consumption of vitamin C, consume foods full of vitamin C, for example, oranges, kiwi fruit, grapefruit, mango, papaya, red pepper, broccoli, Brussels’ sprouts, strawberry, and also cantaloupe. Vitamin C may also be consumed in supplement type. Stay away from chewable vitamin C, as the acidity can promote the corrosion of tooth enamel sooner or later.
Massage With Salt And Mustard Oil Mixture
This is the most common natural treatment for gum disease. Take a teaspoon of salt and add 2 teaspoons of mustard oil and now mix it nicely. You can use this mixture twice or trice in a day.
Massage your gum gently with this mixture solution after you finish brushing. After massaging with this solution wait for some time, let your gum soak some solution and then wash your gum with lukewarm water.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.