Rosacea is a chronic skin condition. Various causes of this skin disorder include consumption of hot and spicy food items, sun exposure, stress, growth of H. pylori bacteria and genetics.
This skin condition may result in persistent redness, swelling, bumps or pustules on the face, burning sensation, irritation and watery eyes. A person suffering from this problem can use different natural treatments to obtain relief.
Natural Treatments for Rosacea
Lavender has therapeutic properties. The essential oil extracted from lavender leaves can be applied on the affected area to heal the bumps and rashes associated with the skin condition.
The inflammation caused by the problem can be reduced with the application of a mixture of lavender and extra virgin olive oil on a frequent basis. Dried lavender flowers and rose petals can be boiled in water. The steam of this mixture can be inhaled for 10 to 15 minutes on a daily basis to obtain relief.
The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of chamomile can help in the treatment. A person can dip a cotton swab in chamomile tea and place it on the affected area to relieve the irritation and burning sensation.
This process should be repeated several times per day to get effective results. Chamomile tea bags soaked in water can also be kept on the affected area. Another option is to drink chamomile tea per day.
A smooth paste prepared by mixing oatmeal and water can be directly applied on the affected area 2 times in a day to soothe the skin. This paste should be removed with cool water after 20 to 30 minutes of the application. A natural mask made by blending oatmeal, yogurt and honey can be applied on the face for 15 to 20 minutes multiple times in a week.
A person can mix strawberries and sour cream to prepare a natural paste. This paste can be applied on the affected area on a weekly basis to cure the medical condition.
A person can blend strawberry leaves with water and apply this mixture on the face on a frequent basis. This treatment is not recommended for a person having sensitive skin.
Vitamin A can protect the skin from the problem of rosacea. The redness, swelling and irritation can be reduced with the consumption of vitamin C. The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin B3 can also help in the treatment. Vitamin E can treat the skin damage caused by this problem. The sources of these vitamins include fortified cereals, egg, milk, asparagus, dried apricot, kiwi and nuts.
Consumption of licorice root extract can reduce the redness and irritation associated with rosacea. A person can mix licorice extract with aloe vera gel and apply this mixture on the affected area to obtain the desired results.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera juice can be taken on a daily basis to cure various symptoms associated with the skin condition. A mixture of aloe vera gel, kelp powder and honey can be applied to heal the bumps within a reasonable period of time.
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