7 Home Remedies For Abrasions

Abrasions are injury at the surface of the skin caused by rubbing or friction against rough surface.Every individual experiences these general wounds more than once in their life and scratches on the …

5 Herbs For Abrasions

A scraped or worn area on the skin due to some friction is known as abrasion. Children are very much affected by abrasion, mostly occurring on their knees while playing. Abrasion occurs due to scratch…

5 Herbal Remedies For Abrasions

An abrasion is a wound that leads to skin damage but it is not deeper more than the outer layer of the skin. This is not a serious kind of wound and causes mild bleeding. Sometimes abrasions are deep …

Top 12 Natural Cures For Abrasions

Abrasion is a very common problem that everyone might have faced in some part of their lives. It is though more common in kids. It is more prevalent in the kids of the ages of five to nine.…