5 Herbs For Balding

Balding refers to the loss of hair on the scalp and it is the most common problem that people are facing nowadays. Not only old people, but young ones are also getting affected by balding. There can b…

5 Remedies For Balding

According to dermatologists, losing 50-100 strands of your hair on a daily basis is perfectly normal. However, the appearance of a balding patch and higher levels of hair fall sets off the alarm for a…

Herbal Remedies For Balding

Hair symbolizes youth and vitality. It is only natural for men and women to lose hair or goes bald as they grow old. The existing lifestyle and diet of people has brought about a lot of changes in the…

Top 13 Natural Cures For Balding

Hair loss is a very common problem. It affects both men and women. Factors affecting balding include imbalance of hormones, deficiencies of nutrients, an underactive thyroid gland and insufficient cir…