Eyes have glands that secrete tears. Tears are not only a companion in sadness, but also help in maintaining healthy eyes.…
8 Treatments For Dry Eyes
The problem of dry eyes is also known as “Dry Eye syndrome’’, “Xerophthalmia’’ and “Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca’’. Factors such as decreased tear production, excessive tear evaporatio…
6 Cure For Dry Eyes
Tears and wetness provide nutrition to your eyes. If your eyes are dry, it is a serious condition and may affect your eye sight and cause other health disorders. Dry eyes simply mean the tear glands a…
6 Remedies For Dry Eyes
The problem of dry eyes arises when there is a lack of moisture in the eyes. Tears are not adequate or of high quality to give moisture to the eyes. This problem is more common if you are travelling b…