Dandruff is a very common hair related problem which we have suffered in our lifetime at least once or more. It is actually the dead cells of our scalp which came to the upper layer of our hair when t…
5 Amazing Ways To Treat DHT Related Hair Loss Naturally
The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is responsible for permanent hair loss, also known as male pattern baldness. DHT is a derivative of the male hormone testosterone. When it accumulates in the hair…
6 Best Natural Ways To Increase Your Hemoglobin Level
Maintaining the normal hemoglobin count is essential for sustaining the optimal supply of oxygen to every organ of the body. Decline in the hemoglobin level in the blood is one of the major causes of …
9 Best Ever Tips For Getting Healthy Hair
Every body wants a naturally healthy hair. But due to many reasons like pollution, sunrays, dust, sweating etc. makes your hair dull and rough and it looses its natural shine. If you maintain some sma…
5 Ways To Heal Brain Injuries Naturally
Every year millions of people suffer from brain injuries worldwide. It can disrupt the normal functions of the brain that leads to physical disabilities and cognitive impairment. Even in cases of mild…
5 Best Natural And Safer Alternatives To Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen is the most popular over-the-counter medication for treating pain and fever. By inhibiting production of hormones that trigger inflammatory reactions, it helps in providing relief from pain.…
Top 7 Natural Treatments To Treat Dandruff On Eyelashes
Dandruff is one such common scalp issue we have been facing since years. It could even appear on the eyelashes as well. However, dandruff on the eyelashes is something you need to take care of as it o…
10 Top Natural Treatments To Dissolve Uric Acid Crystals
When we start consuming food that has very high acidic content it could lead to the formation of Uric Acid Crystals in the body, the reason being that the increased acid intake in the body makes the c…
Top 11 Remedies To Treat A Jet Lag
Did you ever feel tired and sick while travelling on a plane? Then you might have even experienced jet lag. This is a condition where your body finds it difficult to get accustomed to the new time zon…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Collard Greens For Skin, Hair And Health
Collard green is a green leafy vegetable that belongs to the group of broccoli and cabbage. It is power packed with nutrients and very delicious. It is usually found in Brazil, Portugal and also some …
11 Top Natural Treatments For Cold And Flu
Health problems are on rise and people are taking care of themselves by applying various types of remedies. Various types of health issues are coming to picture, which are mainly due to microorganisms…
5 Simple Ways To Balance Your pH Naturally
The natural pH of the human body is between 7.3 and 7.45. Hence, our body is slightly alkaline. A number of health disorders develop when the natural pH balance of the body is disturbed and it falls b…
10 Natural Treatments To Stop Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding is a very common type of problem that can be seen in people. There is no any exact age group that mainly suffers from this problem. The issue of teeth grinding can be very damaging to t…
10 Amazing Natural Treatments For Canker Sores
Canker sores are very painful mouth ulcers that can lead to intense pain. Irrespective of their size, they can create lots of troubles in the mouth. These small red bumps forms inside the mouth due to…
7 Best Natural Treatments For Migraine
Migraine is one of the neurological disorders that occur to the patient very frequently at any time. The symptoms include acute headache, vomiting, photo phobia and nausea in different intensities. As…
8 Natural Treatments To Prevent Kidney Failure
Kidney is one important part of the body and this is the reason why the divine God has gifted us two and not one. Even if one stops functioning, an individual can still live with the other. However, p…