Ringworm is an infection caused by fungus. This fungus called Tinea grows and multiplies on your skin. Ringworm is contagious and can be caused by skin to skin contact with the person or by sharing th…
6 Effective Home Remedies For Ringworms
Ringworms are very troublesome especially when the infection spreads from one part of the body to another. You need to be careful if you have pets such as cats or dogs around you as you could get the …
8 Cure For Ringworm In Humans
Ringworm is a type of skin infection, characterized by inflammation, pain, swelling and lots of itchiness on the affected areas. Those who have a weak immune system are more likely to develop ringworm…
5 Remedies for Ringworm
Ringworm is a medical condition in which the skin becomes red and itchy.The term ringworm does not mean that it is caused by parasitic worms as it is caused by fungal infections. A material known as K…
10 Natural Cure For Ringworm
Ringworm is a skin disease which is also known as Tinea in medical term. It is a type of fungal infection and affects body, feet, nails and scalp. The symptoms of ringworm are itching, swelling and re…