Irritation in the tonsils is usually caused by tonsillitis, which is nothing but the inflammation of the tonsils that occurs due to some bacterial or viral infection. Often the irritation starts with …
8 Home Remedies For Tonsils
Tonsils usually refer to the masses of lymph tissue on either side of the throat and are considered the main defense against any kind of infection. Suffering from an infection in the tonsils can be ex…
9 Cures To Tonsils
Tonsils commonly known as tonsillitis happens to children and generally antibiotics are prescribed for such a problem. In tonsillitis viral infection hits the bits commonly known as “bulby” bits behin…
Top 15 Natural Cures For Tonsils
Inflammation of tonsils is known as tonsillitis. Tonsils are actually two over-shaped tissues which are located at the back of throat. Symptoms of this disease include stiffness in neck, headache &…
6 Remedies For Tonsils
Tonsils are lymphoids located at the back of both sides of our throat. Their primary function is to act as first line of defense against the foreign particles we inhale through mouth and nose. Tonsils…
10 Best Home Remedies For Tonsils
Tonsils help in fighting infection and prevent it from spreading to other body parts. The tonsils are located behind the mouth or at throat sides. The tonsil cells catch the infection and traps it. Th…