Vaginal candidiasis, a vaginal yeast infection causes lot of discomfort with persistent discharge, irritation, itching and it is a very common infection affecting many women. Candidiasis infection is often associated with pain, soreness of vulva, itching, redness and discharge, which is odor-free, and appears like white cotton-cheese.
The most common treatment for candidiasis that include the use of oral antifungal agents causes mild to severe side effects like nausea, vomiting, headache and abdominal pain. However, there is no reason to worry about such infections as there are many proven, effective, natural methods that can be adopted to find relief from most common yeast infections. A few of such remedies are given below:
Effective Home Remedies For Yeast Infections in Women
The normal presence of Candida does not cause any infection, but the problem develops once your immune system is compromised due to frequent use of antibiotics, illness, unhealthy eating habits, and unhealthy lifestyle and due to lack of hygiene and due to high intake of artificial sweeteners.The other conditions in which yeast infections are common include diabetes, pregnancy, heavy use of antibiotics and corticosteroid tablets. So, whatever may be the reason, follow these natural remedies:
Use Garlic
Garlic possesses excellent anti-fungal properties and acts as a natural antifungal agent. Chewing garlic cloves on a regular basis for a few weeks proves to be very effective.
Similarly, topical application of garlic juice or paste on the affected region or direct insertion of garlic clove in the vagina for a few days seems to ease the infection and stops the growth of candida.
Use Boric Acid Powder
According to many research studies, Boric acid powder is very effective in the treatment of fungal infections. Apply boric acid powder topically for 8 to 10 days and if the infection is chronic, you can extend it for two to four weeks.
Apply Yogurt Topically
You must ensure that the yogurt you use for topical application is free from sugar, artificial sweeteners, fruits or any other artificial ingredients and flavoring agents. It should be a plain, more natural and organic yogurt.
Increase Good Protective Bacteria
The natural microbial flora of the gut helps prevent fungal infections particularly that of yeast. Increase the intake of probiotic food and fermented food because they are rich in good protective bacteria like acidophilus and lactobacillus.
These protective bacteria prevent the growth of infectious fungi and other infectious bacteria. You can use fermented food products like yogurt and nattu or use probiotics as dietary supplements.
Include food items that contains good bacteria (acidophilus and lactobacillus) and that promote their active growth as well. The best product is organic plain yogurt, which can be used both internally and externally with equal effects.Avoid eating the foods that contain fungus or enhances their growth. Such kind of foods includes peanuts, mushrooms, alcohol, bread, vinegar, potatoes and cheese.
Avoid Sugar
Avoid eating sugars of all types, even if it is a natural sugar because sugar prompts yeast growth. Therefore, next time if you have an urge to drink a fruit juice or soft drink, sweat grains, candy, chocolate avoid them instantly, and if you are prone to yeast infections on a regular basis cut down your sugar intake drastically, otherwise you will pay the price for it.
Avoid Caffeine
Avoid coffee and caffeinated drinks as it speeds up the sugar levels in the blood, which is very conducive for the growth and development of yeast infections.
Stay Dry
Yeast infection is a fungal infection. Fungus normally grows on a wet and moist surface with apt PH and acid base balance and a medium rich in carbohydrates and sugars. Therefore, ensure proper hygienic measures to keep yourself dry and consume sugar free food.
Wear loose cotton clothes and avoid tight fitted clothes like jeans and pants as they increase temperature, perspiration and moisture levels in the groin area. In addition to this, avoid synthetic fabrics and clothes.
Take Sitz Bath With Warm Water
When you feel that your symptoms are getting worst, then take warm water sitz bath twice or thrice in a day with plain water without using any antiseptics or soaps or perfumes or any other kind of chemicals – inorder to ease the symptoms and relieve the pain and itching. The water you normally prefer for sitz bath should not be too hot and should not contain any additives in it, as it is not preferred. Therefore, ensure to make the water warm and after the bath dry the groin area with a neat towel without leaving any moisture on its surface.