Graying of hair is a very natural process that takes place with each and every individual. With the increase in age, the hair starts graying and it is the symptom of becoming old. Premature graying of hair is something that should be taken into account. The hair starts becoming gray at a premature age. This is a serious problem and must be cured by best remedies. The low level of melanin leads to graying of hair. There are lots of other factors that can lead to this kind of problem. Lifestyle affects a lot to the hair and thus proper steps should be taken for it. Apply some well renowned and trusted home remedies to cure the problem.
Top Home Remedies To Prevent Premature Graying Of Hair
Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry is a very well known berry that is used for various purposes. It is very rich in antioxidants as well as vitamin C. The antioxidants will remove toxins and provide proper color to the hair. Put some crushed Indian gooseberry into coconut oil and boil it for some time. Apply this solution on the hair to make it black.
Ginger is one type of herb that is used in kitchen for various reasons. It can be used to turn the hair from gray to black. Ginger is thus of great value as it can also treat various other problems. Take some ginger and grate it properly. Add some honey to it and consume it on daily basis. Repeat this step daily in order to get best results.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains all best kinds of nutrients that will help to cure the problem of gray hair. It is very effective kind of oil that will help to provide black and healthy hair. It is the ultimate kind of solution that can never be avoided. Add some lemon juice to coconut oil and massage the hair with this solution to provide best nourishment.
Curry Leaves
Curry leaves that are generally used for adding flavor during cooking can be used to treat premature graying of hair. It actually contains some best properties that will cure the hair and turns it black. Take some fresh curry leaves and keep it for boiling with coconut oil. Massage the hair with this particular solution in order to get best results.
Ribbed Gourd
Ribbed gourd that is used for cooking can also be used for curing the problem of premature graying of hair. There are lots of nutritional properties in ribbed gourd that will help to cure the issue of premature graying of hair. Take some ribbed gourd and boil it with coconut oil. Allow the solution to cool and then massage the hair with this solution.
Black Pepper
Black pepper is one of the best home remedy to make hair black in color. The essential kind of nutrients will treat the hair and help it to make black in color. Take some black pepper and powder it properly. Add curd to it and mix it properly. Add little lemon juice to it. Apply on the entire hair and massage it slowly to provide best effects.
Onions are rich source of ingredients such as sulfur that will help to provide better hair on the scalp and treat premature graying of hair. All kinds of hair problems such as baldness, graying and thinning of hair can be cured by applying onion juice. Extract some onion juice and apply it on the scalp and hair. Wash it after few minutes.
Black Tea
Black tea is a very perfect idea to get black hair. It mainly contains the required elements that can help the hair to grow and become black. Take some black tea and boil it in some water. Strain it and add salt to this liquid. Massage the hair with this solution for some time. Repeat this method and wash the hair after half n hour.
Almond Oil
Almond oil is generally used on hair for its best effects. Very few people are known about its actual use for reduce graying of hair. Take some pure form of almond oil and add little Indian gooseberry juice in it. Add some lemon juice to it and then completely massage the hair with this solution. Repeat this on daily basis till you get best results.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel can also be used to cure premature graying of hair. The gel that is extracted from aloe Vera will help to provide best effects to hair and help to make black in color. Apply some pure aloe gel on the hair for some time and then wash it with water.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.