Arthritis knee pain occurs when there is an inflammation of one or more than one joints. Symptoms of arthritis knee pain include stiffness, tenderness and limited functions of joints. In this condition, wear and tear of cartilage lining knee joint occurs. This causes bone rubbing on bone which can cause pain and inflammation of joints. Different types of knee arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and post-traumatic arthritis. The joints get swollen and become weak. It becomes difficult to bend the knees.
Physical activities like walking, kneeling and stair climbing may increase the pain associated with knee arthritis. X-rays can be used for detecting the arthritis knee pain. Natural cures can be used for treating the symptoms associated with arthritis knee pain. These remedies help in reducing swelling and pain associated with knee arthritis. The natural cures are effective and have low side effects.
Top Natural Cures For Arthritis Knee Pain
Exercise is beneficial for the patients suffering from arthritis knee pain. It helps in strengthening the muscles and increasing the flexibility of motions. Physical therapies are also effective in treating arthritis knee pain.
One should consult a physical therapist before starting the exercise. Other than gentle exercises, physical activities like jumping, running etc. should be avoided by the patients to prevent further injury.
Acupuncture is a good natural cure for the treatment of arthritis knee pain. It can be used for short term treatment. One is able to perform exercise after getting relief using acupuncture technique. Thus, it helps in building flexibility and strength of the body. It helps in reducing the pain associated with knee arthritis.
Ice & Heat
Ice is helpful in the treatment of arthritis knee pain. It helps in reducing swelling and pain related to knee arthritis. Application of ice over the affected area would be really beneficial.
Application of heat to the affected area would provide relief from arthritis knee pain. It helps in blocking the heat sensations that arise due to knee arthritis.
This natural cure also helps in increasing the flow of blood to the affected area. Take a bottle containing hot water. One can wrap it with a piece of cloth. Placing this cloth over the affected area for around fifteen to twenty minutes would be recommended.
Epsom Salts
Epsom salts are useful for the treatment of knee arthritis. It can be taken along with lemon juice. Take three teaspoons of Epsom salts and mix in three teaspoons of lemon juice. Add this mixture in one pint of warm water. Consumption of one teaspoon of this mixture during the morning time as well as at night is recommended.
Juices are useful for the patients suffering from arthritis knee pain. Juice has anti-inflammatory properties along with the enzymes that are beneficial for the patients.
Consumption of these juices is recommended for the patients. Green barley, pineapple, cherry and celery can be used to prepare juices. This is one of the natural cures that are cheap as well as effective.
Lose Weight
It has been found that losing some extra weight would be beneficial for the patients suffering from arthritis knee pain. Reducing the body weight from five to ten percent would help in providing relief from the pain associated with knee arthritis.
One can also do exercise in a better way after losing the extra pound. Patients should check their body mass index and should determine how much weight they should lose to maintain a healthy body weight. It is better to talk to the doctor before trying to lose weight for better advice.
Wear Knee Brace
Wearing knee braces would help the patients of knee arthritis. It helps in reducing the pressure on the knee joint as well as stabilising the knee.
The knees often feel weakness during knee arthritis which can be prevented by wearing knee braces. This method also helps in reducing the pain associated with knee arthritis.
Ginger is beneficial in the treatment of knee arthritis. It has anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in reducing swelling and pain associated with knee arthritis. Extract prepared from ginger can be used for the treatment. Fresh ginger can be used for this purpose. It can be consumed by adding it in food.
Tea prepared from ginger is also beneficial for the treatment. Take some slices of fresh ginger and boil them in water to prepare tea. Ginger can also be taken in powdered form. Consumption of five hundred to one thousand milligrams of powdered form of ginger root on a daily basis is recommended.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E has been found to be beneficial for the patients of knee arthritis. It helps in reducing pain associated with knee arthritis as well as inflammation caused thereby.
It can be taken in the form of supplements. Consumption of four milligrams of vitamin E capsules or more than that on a daily basis would be dangerous for the patients.
Willow Bark & Dandelion
White willow bark is helpful in the treatment of knee arthritis. It is a source of salicin which is an active ingredient present in aspirin. It is not a very good remedy when compared to the traditional pain killers but is helpful in providing relief from arthritis knee pain.
Dandelion is a medicinal herb beneficial in the treatment of knee arthritis. Leaves of dandelion herb have been found to be beneficial. It contains vitamin C and vitamin A that are helpful in repairing the damaged tissues of the body. It can be taken in the form of tea or can be added in salad. It can be cooked as well the way spinach is cooked.
Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil has been found to be useful for the treatment of knee arthritis. It contains omega 3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. This natural cure is helpful in reducing the inflammation caused due to knee arthritis.
Consumption of one teaspoon of flaxseed oil three times on a daily basis is recommended. Flaxseed oil can also be added to the food. Continuing this remedy for at least one month would help in providing relief from arthritis knee pain.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.