It is a medical condition in which the body loses lots of fluids and salt. It is more common in summer than in winter. It can be caused due to extensive exposure to heat, strenuous activities and consumption of lots of alcoholic beverages.
Water is one of the most important elements required for the growth and maintenance of the body. Rather our body is composed almost of water only with a composition of seventy percent water.
Symptoms of dehydration include dark and reduced urine, nausea, strong thirst, headache, muscle cramps, weakness and dryness of skin, mouth and lips. Natural cures are helpful in reducing the symptoms associated with dehydration. These natural methods can be easily tried at home. If not treated properly, it may lead to severe cases like loss of consciousness, severe headache, mental confusion and blue lips.
Top Natural Cures For Dehydration
Water is the most effective natural method of treating dehydration. Consumption of plenty amount of water is recommended. Drinking enough water or fluids on a daily basis is beneficial for the patients. Consumption of foods that are made up of mainly water like fruits and vegetables is beneficial.
Patients of dehydration usually face the problem of deficiency of minerals like potassium. In this condition, the body loses important minerals from the body. Increasing the intake of potassium in diet can be one of the useful remedies for treating dehydration.
Consumption of raisins, candies and bananas would be useful as these are good sources of potassium. Banana is also rich in water content.
Lime Juice & Apple Cider Vinegar
Lime juice is beneficial for the patients suffering from dehydration. Take one teaspoon of lime juice and mix it with one teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Add this mixture in a glass of water. This natural remedy helps in replenishing the levels of fluids and minerals.
Apple cider vinegar is helpful in the treatment of dehydration. Especially those who face the problem of cramps and muscle aches, consumption of vinegar is recommended. After taking a running bath using warm water, take eight ounces of apple cider vinegar and add it to the bath water.
Taking a relaxing bath with this water helps in soothing the muscles. A cup of salt can be added in the bath water that helps in relaxing and softening the skin. A body scrub can be made using salt that would be useful in exfoliating the skin.
Things To Avoid
Patients of dehydration should avoid the consumption of beverages like alcohol, tea and coffee. Consumption of these beverages can adversely affect the condition of dehydration patients. It helps in the treatment as well as prevention from its occurrence in the future.
Lassi is a traditional drink of India which is helpful in the treatment of dehydration. It can be prepared by taking one cup of yogurt with live culture and adding half a teaspoon of salt along with two and a half cups of water.
Natural flavours like mint, banana and cumin can also be added in lassi. This natural remedy has been found to be very effective in treating dehydration.
Watermelon is useful in treating dehydration. Juice prepared from watermelon has been found to be a good remedy for treating dehydration. It is useful as it has flavour as well as sweetness.
It acts as a natural antioxidant and contains a number of minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium. Organic watermelons are preferred for this remedy and can be easily available in food stores.
Rehydration Solution
Rehydration solution can be prepared at home and has been found to be beneficial in treating dehydration. To prepare it, take one litre of bottled water. If there is no bottled water, one can boil the normal water and use it.
Add one teaspoon salt and one teaspoon sugar in the water. Dissolve all the ingredients well and drink it. Natural flavour like mint can also be added for taste. Mint is a cooling herb which also helps in persuading the patient to drink.
Glucose present in the sugar gets added to the water which then helps in the absorption of sodium from salt and absorption of water as well.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is beneficial in the treatment of dehydration. Water obtained from green coconut is one of the natural remedies for treating dehydration. This coconut water gets easily absorbed by the body and has been found to be effective in curing dehydration. It is easily available from a natural food supplier.
Congee is useful in treating dehydration. It is also known as Rice Gruel. It is prepared by simmering until it becomes creamy. It is prepared using one cup of rice, salt and three quarts of light stock. In this method, one can try soy stock like miso which can be used by vegetarians.
One can also replace white rice with brown rice in this remedy. Once the patient start recovering, one can add vegetables and chicken as well.
Electrolyte Water
Electrolyte water is useful in the treatment of dehydration. To prepare this water, take one quart of water and add half teaspoon of baking soda in it.
Furthermore, add three tablespoons of sugar and half teaspoon of table salt in the solution. One fourth teaspoon of lite salt as salt substitute can be added if one has it but it is optional.
Banana & Pickle Juice
Banana is useful for the patients suffering from dehydration. It is rich in sodium and potassium that help in using the water one consumes. Consumption of banana helps in reducing the symptoms of dehydration. It is rich in potassium as well as water.
Sipping pickle juice is useful for the patients of dehydration. Afterwards, one can drink water before going out in the sun. This natural remedy helps in preventing dehydration.
Buttermilk is helpful in the treatment of dehydration. It can be taken along with ginger. Consumption of one cup of buttermilk containing half teaspoon of ginger is beneficial. This drink can be consumed three to four times per day that would help in treating as well as preventing dehydration.
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Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.