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Top 12 Natural Cures For Lumbago


Lumbago is one of the common types of lower back pains. It is a very common reason behind absenteeism at work. People usually visit the doctor as they suffer from lumbago. Maintaining a good body posture is helpful in the treatment of lumbago. It would also help in preventing its occurrence in future.

A poor body posture during all the physical activities for the whole day may result into strain at the back. This ultimately leads to chronic pain. Sitting and standing in the right body posture helps in preventing less pressure on the back and reducing back pain. There are many natural cures that can be helpful in the treatment of lumbago. These cures are natural and do not involve much cost.

12 Top Natural Cures For Lumbago


Valerian is a medicinal herb that helps in the treatment of lumbago. It is available in the form of capsules. Consumption of two hundred fifty milligrams of valerian herb is recommended. It should be taken four times on a daily basis.

The herb contains an active ingredient that can cause sedative effect. Though it is also consumed in the form of tea but due to its strong smell it is not recommended. Capsule form of valerian is preferred over tea.


Ice is beneficial in the treatment of lumbago. It is helpful in providing relief from back pain. This is one of natural cures that help in reducing pain and blocking the pain signals that affect the body. Take an ice pack and wrap it in towel. Application of this ice pack over the affected area for around twenty minutes per day is recommended. Continue using this natural cure for several times on a daily basis.

One can also apply this remedy after physical activity or exercise. One should switch oneself to moist heat after forty eight hours. Dip a towel in warm water and apply it over the affected area. This method helps in stimulating the flow of blood in the body.


Bromelain is helpful for the patients suffering from lumbago. It is an enzyme which is derived from pineapple and has been found to be useful in promoting circulation and reducing swelling.

Consumption of five hundred milligrams of bromelain is recommended. Continue using this natural cure three to four times on a daily basis. It should be consumed one hour after taking meals.


Yoga is beneficial for the treatment of lumbago. It helps in creating balance in the body and increases strength as well as flexibility in the body. Doing yoga would help in providing relief from pain associated with lumbago. One should consult the health practitioner or yoga instructor before starting yoga.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is useful for the patients suffering from lumbago. Deficiency of vitamin D may be one of the reasons behind chronic pain in the muscles. It can be taken in the form of supplements. It is one of the essential nutrients that are present in foods like fish and fortified milk. Consumption of vitamin D supplements on a daily basis is beneficial.


is helpful in the treatment of lumbago. It is one of the important minerals required by the body. It is useful for the immune system and preserving the strength of bones.

This natural cure has been found to be beneficial for regulating the sugar levels and promoting the normal blood pressure. Consumption of magnesium supplements would help the patients in treating chronic back pain.

Capsaicin Cream

Capsaicin cream is useful for the patients suffering from lumbago. It is also commonly known as capsicum cream and is easily available in the health stores. Dosage of 0.025 percent of capsicum cream can be applied over the affected area.

This remedy can be used four times on a daily basis. Burning sensation and stinging are some of the side effects that may be caused due to lumbago. One can wear disposable gloves that can be worn during the application of cream on the affected area.


Acupuncture is beneficial for the patients suffering from lumbago. Using acupuncture three times on a weekly basis is recommended. It has been found to be very effective in treating lumbago and is recommended over conventional therapies.

It provides relief from pain associated with lumbago. This natural cure helps in releasing hormones and sending signals to the nervous system. Continue using acupuncture for several weeks.

Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal herbs are useful for the treatment of chronic back pain. These herbs are useful in reducing inflammation that causes pain in the lower back. Devil’s claw is one of the medicinal herbs that are helping for lumbago patients. It contains chemical compounds called harpagosides that possess anti-inflammatory properties.

White willow bark is another medicinal herb useful for treating back pain. Its action is similar to that of aspirin. It has beneficial properties that are required for providing relief from pain associated with lumbago. It contains salicin which gets converted to salicylic acid that helps in reducing pain and inflammation caused due to lumbago.

Vitamin & Potato

Vitamin B12 is useful for the treatment of lumbago. It is a safe and effective remedy for treating low back pain. It can be used in the form of injections. Deficiency of vitamin B12 may be one of the reasons behind back pain. Using muscle injections of vitamin B12 would be helpful for the patients. Tablets of vitamin B12 can also be consumed.

Potato is helpful for the treatment of lumbago. Juice prepared from potato can be used for treating chronic back pain. It can be diluted with water in 1:1 ratio. Consumption of this juice would be beneficial for the patients. It can be consumed before taking breakfast.

Aloe Vera & Garlic

Aloe vera is beneficial for the patients suffering from chronic back pain. It is available in the form of gel. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf and blend it to prepare gel. It can be taken orally. Consumption of this gel on a daily basis would provide help in treating lumbago.

Garlic is helpful for the treatment of chronic back pain. Take garlic in raw form and peel it. Consumption of up to five such garlic cloves during the morning time and at night is recommended. This natural remedy helps in providing quick relief from lumbago.

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