Autoimmune disease is a disease in which an auto immune response is developed when the body mistakenly treats the tissues or organs of the body as foreign and attacks them. Allergies, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, Hashimoto’s syndrome and Grave’s disease are some of the symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune disease affects gastrointestinal, nervous and endocrine system. Skin, blood, eye, blood vessel and connective tissues are usually affected with this disease. Women are more commonly affected with this disease than men.Genetic as well as environmental factors are responsible for the occurrence of this disease. Loss of memory, lack of oxygen, energy imbalance and lack of minerals are some of the causes associated with autoimmune disease.
Top Natural Cures for Autoimmune Disease
Exercise is beneficial for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease. Doing exercise on a regular basis is one of the best natural therapies for treating the disease.It helps in strengthening the muscles around the joints and improving the flexibility of body.
It is also helpful in improving sleep and the mental attitude of the patients.Apart from exercise, yoga and meditation are also good relaxation techniques that are useful for the treatment of the disease. Deep breathing exercise is also a good method that provides relief from this disease.
Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional supplements are beneficial for the treatment of autoimmune disease. Vitamins are also useful for treating the disease. Vitamin C and vitamin D are some of the vitamins that are good for the health of patients.These vitamins are helpful in treating the immune response in natural way. Probiotics are also beneficial for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease.
Foods To Avoid
Fats are not good for the health of patients. Processed vegetable oils contain fats and should be avoided. These fat containing foods are responsible in stimulating the formation of chemicals that cause inflammation.Pro-inflammatory foods like organ meats, dairy products, egg yolks and dark poultry meats should also be avoided as these are responsible for causing inflammation. Other than these foods, coffee, wheat, chocolate, corn, peanuts and soy can also trigger inflammation in the patients.
Tissue Salts
Tissue salts are helpful for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease. These are helpful in restoring the balance and contain nutritional substances which are useful for reducing the symptoms of autoimmune disease.These are also the ingredients of homeopathic treatments that can be helpful for the nervous system. Kalium phosphate, Natrium phosphate and Natrium sulphate are some of such ingredients.
Medicinal Herbs
Medicinal herbs are helpful in the treatment of autoimmune disease. These are traditional herbs and include Devil’s Claw, ginger, boswellia etc. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties and are helpful in cleansing the blood. These are natural methods that are found to be effective in curing autoimmune disease.Yucca is another medicinal herb which is helpful for treating the disease. It is helpful in reducing muscular pain and stiffness. It can be used in the form of shampoo which helps in treating the skin disorders.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease. Cold water fish and flaxseed are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids and should be consumed for treating the disease.Fish oil is also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids and is helpful in reducing pain as well as inflammation caused due to autoimmune disease.
Social Support and Positivity
Coping with autoimmune disease is challenging and requires the patients to be strong. Research has shown that people who have social support are found to be healthier.Patients suffering from autoimmune disease should become more socialise and talk to people about the disease. They should talk about the challenges and struggles faced by them to become stronger in life.
Homeopathy is a safe therapy which is beneficial for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease. It helps in reducing inflammation and pain which are some of the symptoms associated with the disease. It is a safe treatment which is helpful for adults as well as children.
Check for Tests
Patients suffering from autoimmune disease should consult the doctor and check for testing hidden infections that might have caused by virus, lyme, yeast or bacteria. These infections can be identified and treated which would ultimately help in the treatment of autoimmune disease. IgG testing would help in testing the hidden food allergens that would be responsible for the occurrence of autoimmune disease. Celiac disease is a kind of blood test which can be done for the identification of allergens in the body. Heavy metals like mercury should also be tested as they can cause autoimmunity.
Curcumin & Vitamin D
Curcumin is useful for the treatment of autoimmune disease. It is an active ingredient of turmeric powder which is a popular Indian spice. It is helpful in the inhibition of COX-2 expression.Vitamin D is useful for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease. Adequate exposure of the body under sunlight would help in providing vitamin D.It helps in the treatment as well prevention of autoimmune illness. Foods like cod liver oil, wild salmon, organic egg yolks and sardines are rich in vitamin D and are natural sources of vitamin D other than sunlight.
Antioxidants are beneficial for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease. Patients should consume foods that are rich in antioxidants. These foods include berries, broccoli, asparagus, carrots and Brussel sprouts that contain large amount of antioxidants.A number of fruits and green tea contain polyphenol antioxidants that are helpful in boosting up the immune response and treating the inflammatory response.
Take Rest
Taking rest is beneficial for the treatment of autoimmune disease. Taking more rest would help the body in getting more energy and repairing the damaged areas.A restful sleep every night would be beneficial for the patients. This helps in producing the hormones that are helpful in healing the immune system.
Vegetables are useful for the patients suffering from autoimmune disease. Steamed vegetables are very beneficial for the treatment of this disease. These vegetables can be used in the form of soup by boiling them in water and blending afterwards.Consumption of fresh salad on a daily basis is also recommended. Carrots, shredded red beets, tomatoes, shredded zucchini and bell peppers are the vegetables that can be consumed in the form of salad.
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