Categories: Natural Cure

Top 13 Home Remedies For Gynecomastia


Gynecomastia is a condition of enlarged breast in men similar to female and is also known as man boobs. The risk of enlarged breast increases as the age increases.
This condition makes the patient face embarrassment and teasing from friends that can lead to depression in men and the teenage boys. It is common in teenagers and is caused by puberty changes. Gynecomastia occurring in infants and teenagers get resolved without particular treatment.

Symptoms of the disease generally disappear in two to three years. It is most likely to occur in men who are not over weight. Causes of gynecomastia include cancer, viral orchitis, testicular trauma, klinefelter syndrome, exposure to household products, congenital anorchia and malnutrition etc.

Top Natural Cures For Gynecomastia

Progesterone Cream

Progesterone cream is useful for the patients suffering from gynecomastia. This cream is derived from soy and is helpful in body metabolism. The cream can be used by rubbing half teaspoon of progesterone cream on the soft skin part of the body on a daily basis. It can be applied on inner thighs, chest, inner arms and abdomen.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids & Zinc

Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial for the patients suffering from gynecomastia. Fish is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. It helps in increasing the production of testosterone.

Consumption of zinc is helpful for the treatment of gynecomastia. It has been found that zinc increases testosterone naturally. White spots under the fingernails are the common signs of zinc deficiency. Taking zinc supplement helps in increasing the level of testosterone.

Devil’s Claw

The medicinal herb is useful for the treatment of gynecomastia. This herb has been used since ancient times for increasing virility in men. It is also helpful in increasing testosterone levels.

Tea prepared from this herb is beneficial for the patients suffering from gynecomastia. Take root of this herb and boil it to prepare the herbal tea. Consumption of this herbal tea two times per day is recommended.

Things To Avoid

Patients of gynecomastia should avoid consuming salt in excess amount. Salt retains fluid in the body and is helpful in increasing the appearance of puffiness in the fatty tissues around chest.

Patients suffering from gynecomastia should not consume alcohol in excessive amount as it can worsen the condition of the patients. Alcohol is a substance that leads to increase in the production of estrogen and hence should be avoided. Illegal substances like ganja, amphetamines or heroin should be avoided.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is helpful for the treatment of gynecomastia. Tea prepared from milk thistle is also beneficial. It can be taken in the form of supplement. Silymarin is an active constituent of milk thistle which is useful for the treatment of gynecomastia.It is also effective in the treatment of alcoholic liver and chronic liver disease. This remedy may help if breast enlargement is due to liver disease.


Exercise is beneficial for the patients suffering from gynecomastia. Push-ups and chest toning exercises are helpful for the treatment of this disease. Push-ups are helpful for building biceps and triceps.

These are excellent methods of exercising and are helpful for lifting the chest vertically and diminishing the appearance of enlarged breasts. One should also maintain healthy body weight as it reduces the risk of gynecomastia. Weightlifting is a good method of lowering the fat ratio and reducing the appearance of man boobs.

Incline bench press exercise is good for the health of gynecomastia patients. First lean back at 45 degree angle and lift a barbell straight up afterwards ten times slowly. Take rest and repeat this exercise again two or three times. Physical exercises like walking, cycling, rowling and jogging are good techniques for treating the disease.


Turmeric is beneficial for the patients suffering from gynecomastia. It is a popular Indian spice and can be added in the diet. It has properties that are useful for burning the chest fat.

It is helpful in naturally raising the testosterone levels. It has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial. Consumption of two to three teaspoons of turmeric on a daily basis is recommended.

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Guggul is an ancient medicinal herb which is used for the treatment of gynecomastia. It is helpful in reducing the levels of estrogens and increasing the production of male hormones inside the body.Using this herb on a regular basis is helpful in decreasing deposition of fat on the breast tissue of men. Extracts of guggul are easily available in the market.

Red Clover

Red clover is useful for the treatment of gynecomastia. It is helpful in reducing estrogen levels. The herb contains genistein that acts as a strong estrogen reducing agent. It can be consumed in the form of supplement.

Tea prepared from the herb is also beneficial for the treatment of gynecomastia. Those who consume hormone supplements should consult the physician before consumption of this herb.

Avoid Soy Products

Patients suffering from gynecomastia should avoid the consumption of soy products. Phyto-estrogens contained in the soy foods disrupt the androgen levels and encourage gynecomastia. One should avoid soy protein as its consumption can increase estrogen levels in men.

Avoid Exposure To Pollutants

Patients of gynecomastia should remain away from pollutants such as lead. Such pollutants are directly related to gynecomastia. High levels of lead increases the risk of developing large breasts.

Avoid Tree Tea Oil And Lavender Oil

There are a number of household products that contain tea tree oil and lavender oil. Patients of gynecomastia should ensure that they do not use such kinds of products.

Especially men who suffer from enlarged breasts should make sure that no such products come in contact with their body. Patients should keep it in mind that they may not use these products on their faces, hair and other parts of body.

Water, Fruits & Vegetables

Drinking water is useful for the patients suffering from gynecomastia. On should make sure to drink clean water in sufficient amount. This would help the cells to operate at peak efficiency when one starts working out. Eating fruits and vegetables is beneficial for the treatment of gynecomastia.

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