Thyroid gland is present in the throat and is one of the endocrine glands that is largest in size and controls the production of thyroid hormones. It is responsible for regulating the metabolism of body. Thyroid disorders are of two types; hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Increased function of thyroid gland leads to hyperthyroidism while hypothyroidism results when the function of thyroid gland is reduced. Symptoms of thyroid disorders include pain in the joints, swelling in neck, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, menstrual problems, irritable bowel syndrome, carpal tunnel, obesity, depression, nervousness etc.
Causes of thyroid disorders include food allergy, exposure to radiation, metal poisoning and fatigue. Incorrect eating habits, stress and chronic anxiety are some of the causes of hypothyroidism. Treatment of thyroid disorders should be taken seriously and is a long term process. Consult the doctor or health practitioner is always recommended. Medicinal herbs are also beneficial for the treatment of thyroid problems.
Top Natural Cures for Thyroid
Vitamin A & Coconut Oil
Vitamin A rich foods like green vegetables, pumpkin and carrots are beneficial for enhancing the functions of thyroid glands. Consuming coconut oil along with milk is beneficial. Add two teaspoons of coconut oil in one cup of milk and consume it for effective use. It is helpful for promoting metabolism of body.
It contains triglycerides that are helpful for controlling weight and increasing the metabolism of body. It can be used for cooking purposes or can be added in salads. Consuming two tablespoons of coconut oil on a daily basis is beneficial for treating thyroid disorders.
Cucumber & Ginger
It can be consumed by using it as salads. It is mostly useful for the treatment of patients suffering from goitre which is the severe case of thyroid disorder. Prepare herbal tea using ginger. It is helpful for the functioning of thyroid gland.
Watercress & Water Reed
Since watercress is rich in iodine, it is beneficial for the treatment of thyroid glands. It can also be used as a paste and can be applied over the enlarged neck. It is one of the effective remedies for treating thyroid disorders. It is very useful for the functioning of thyroid glands. Consume it regularly in the diet.
Oats & Bladderwrack
Consuming oats is useful for the functioning of thyroid glands. It is seaweed which is rich in iodine and thus is helpful for the treatment of thyroid disorders. It is also helpful for reducing weight loss and hypothyroidism. It is helpful in stimulating the thyroid gland and in increasing metabolism of body.
Foods rich in selenium should be consumed as they act as antioxidants. These foods have anti-aging properties and contain cancer causing enzymes. It is also helpful for the immune system.
Cereals and animal products are great natural sources of selenium that include rice, onion, walnut, cheese, chicken, egg, garlic etc. Consuming more than forty milligrams of selenium can cause side effects.
Vitamins like vitamin A, B2, B3, B6 and C are essential for the body as they can maintain levels of hormones. These vitamins are available in the form of supplements. Carrot, orange, banana, spinach etc. are some of the sources of vitamins.
It is a very good natural cure for the treatment of goitre. Tea prepared from flowers of bedstraw herb by adding them in one cup of boiling water is beneficial for the treatment of thyroid disorders. The herbal tea can be taken for three times in a day. Rinse the throat with the tea and repeat the herbal remedy for several times in a day.
Walnut & Pears
It is very nutritious and is a good source of iodine, magnesium and mono saturated fats that are helpful for balancing the hormones and are useful for persons suffering from thyroid disorders. Consuming four to five pears on a daily basis is effective in the treatment of thyroid disorders. Pears are effective in regulating the levels of hormones in the body. Continue this natural remedy for months would be beneficial for the patients.
Milk Thistle & Vegetable Juice
It is a medicinal herb that helps in increasing the metabolism of liver. Vegetable juices are very beneficial for thyroid patients. These juices are helpful for the functions of thyroid gland.
Avoid Caffeine and Sugar
Reduce the amount of caffeine and sugar in the diet. Also do not consume refined carbohydrates, for example, flour which is also treated by the body as sugar. Grain-based carbohydrates should also be taken in lesser amount.
Take Rest
Patients suffering from thyroid disorders should take complete rest. A proper diet is also essential along with the treatment of thyroid abnormalities. Taking eight hours of sleep on a daily basis is good for health and provides great relaxation. Meditation and breathing exercises are also helpful for the people suffering from thyroid disorders.
Do Exercise
Practice yoga and pranayam that are wonderful relaxation techniques for restoring the functioning of thyroid gland. Doing these exercises for thirty minutes daily during morning and evening times is very beneficial.
Things to Avoid
Vegetables like cabbage, turnip, radish, kale, cauliflower and broccoli should be avoided. These are called goitrogenic foods that contain substances that inhibit thyroids. One should also not consume junk food and fast food. Avoid beverages like alcohol, tea, carbonated drink and coffee should be avoided. One should also avoid consuming caffeine as it can lead to sweating, tremor and palpitation that are some of the symptoms faced by thyroid patients.
Avoid emotional stress, stay happy and avoid any kind of nervous tension. Stay with happy and positive minded people that help in avoiding any kind of emotional stress around that can worsen the condition of thyroid patients. Avoid consuming carbohydrates in the diet except potatoes and whole wheat products. Consuming vegetables, fruits and sprouts is helpful for the thyroid patients.
Other Natural Cures
Include fat and cholesterol in diet as inadequate amount of fat and cholesterol in the body leads to imbalance of thyroid hormones. Consult the doctor for regular check up. Regularly checking up the levels of thyroid would be very beneficial for thyroid patients. It is useful to completely cure and control the disease.
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