Carpal tunnel is a syndrome that affects hands, wrists and arms. Pain, weakness, swelling, inflammation and muscle damage are some of the symptoms of this condition. It occurs because of the pressure on median nerve in the wrist. People from thirty to sixty years of age are mostly affected with this disease. It usually occurs in adults only. This condition is more common in women than men. Heredity, hormonal change and age are some of the factors on which carpal tunnel depends. Complicated cases of carpal tunnel syndrome may include recurring pain, discomfort, infection, damage to nerves etc. Though this condition is not permanent it can lead to serious problems that can cause discomfort and pain. There are non-surgical and surgical treatments that can be used for curing carpal tunnel syndrome. But natural herbs can be cheap as well as effective.
Top Herbal Remedies for Carpal Tunnel
Aloe vera
The herb reduces inflammation and restores flexibility. It can also be combined with other herbs like ginseng, kava kava or passionflower for treating carpal tunnel. It can be consumed in the form of juice or gel. Substances contained in aloe vera are helpful in reducing itching and relieving the pain associated with carpal tunnel.
Flaxseed Oil
Consuming one tablespoon of flaxseed oil on a daily basis can be useful for the treatment of carpal tunnel. It takes around two weeks for reducing the symptoms effectively. It contains omega 3 fatty acids that help in reducing the inflammation. It can also be taken with food, added in salad or mixed in the orange juice.
It is a one of the most common herbs for the treatment of carpal tunnel. Leaves and shoots of this herb are beneficial for medicinal purposes. It provides relief from stress and pain associated with this syndrome. It helps in improving circulation and reducing other symptoms like anxiety, headache, nervous disorder etc.
Butcher’s Broom
The herb has anti-inflammatory properties and provides relief from inflammation caused due to carpal tunnel. Root of this herb can be very helpful for curing the disease. It is also useful for circulatory disorder. It is good for vascular system and treats carpal tunnel syndrome. Two to three capsules of butcher’s broom can be consumed for three times in a day with a glass of water.
The herb is available in the form of tincture, capsule and tablet. Its consumption is good for the treatment of parsley. Avoid using this herb during pregnancy and kidney disorder. It has diuretic properties and reduces swelling.
St. John’s Wort
The herb is beneficial for reducing pain and inflammation caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Consuming this herb with water on a daily basis is helpful for treating the disease. It acts as an herbal antidepressant and reduces pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. One hundred fifty to two hundred fifty milligrams of this herb can be consumed for three times in a day. It can also be used in the form of infused oil.
It is one of the ingredients of turmeric having anti-inflammatory properties. It is useful for reducing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Two hundred fifty to five hundred milligrams of this herb in turmeric can be consumed on daily basis. Turmeric is best for taking it in the form of capsules as it contains 95% of curcumin. It reduces pain and inflammation associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Pregnant women should not consume this herb.
Castor Oil
Castor oil can be applied over the infected skin and covered with a cloth. Leave for at least an hour for better treatment. Make castor oil pack by applying castor oil on a piece of cloth, wrapping around the waist and then covering with saran wrap. Heating pad can be applied for one hour. Sleep with this pack. Using the pack for four to five nights would provide relief from symptoms of carpal syndrome.
Corn Silk
It acts as a diuretic and reduces swelling caused by carpal tunnel. Use this herb as six to twelve drops in juice or water for three times in a day. Prepare tea by adding the herb in boiling water for five minutes and strain. Drinking it is beneficial for treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Honey can be added to make it sweet.
Wintergreen Oil
Wintergreen oil can be used for massage. It helps in reducing pain in the muscles. Prepare a blend for treating carpal tunnel syndrome by mixing five drops of wintergreen with one tablespoon of coconut oil, three drops of cypress, three drops of lemongrass, two drops of marjoram and two drops of peppermint. Apply this blend over the infected area for four to six times in a day.
Boswellic acid is useful for providing relief from carpal tunnel syndrome. One hundred fifty to four hundred milligrams of this herb can be consumed in a day. Tea prepared from this herb is also beneficial for reducing the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. It has anti-inflammatory properties that are very beneficial for medicinal purposes. Pregnant women should avoid using this herb. Twelve hundred to fifteen hundred milligrams of the standardized extract of this herb can be consumed for two to three times in a day. It is also available in the form of tablet and can be taken as one tablet for three times in a day with food or water.
The herb helps in reducing the symptoms caused due to carpal tunnel syndrome. It is useful for reducing pain and swelling associated with it. Tea can be prepared from yarrow herb in the dried form by soaking in one cup of boiling water. It can also be consumed in the form of capsule as two to four grams for three times in a day.
Marshmallow Root
Root of marshmallow herb can be used for softening the tissues and providing a soothing effect.
The herb provides pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. It also acts as a catalyst for other medicinal herbs.
Consume gingko biloba in the form of tea or capsule for treating carpal tunnel. It is also useful for improving circulation and functioning of nerves.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.