Sinusitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the tissue linings. It causes extreme discomfort and swelling. Sinuses are the hollow spaces in the bones that lie behind the face. Sinus infection is caused due to the inflammation in this cavity.
It can be caused by viral, bacterial and fungal infection. Various internal and external irritants are responsible for causing the sinusitis. It is very common among adults and children are not affected with it. Those who suffer from sinus infections suffer from the health issue even after many years.
It is usually treated by taking antibiotics. 80 percent of those who suffer from acute sinus infection and 70 percent of those who are affected with chronic sinus infection have been prescribed antibiotics. Symptoms of sinusitis include headache, halitosis, irritation, runny nose, head and nasal congestion.
Top Natural Cures for Sinusitis
Apple Cider Vinegar
Add one to two teaspoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar in six ounces of water. One teaspoon of raw honey or stevia can be added for sweetening it. Drinking it three times in a day is beneficial. Continue this remedy for five days. It is helpful in thinning the congested mucus.
Foods to Avoid & Foods to Eat
Avoid consuming mucus-forming foods like eggs, fried and processed foods, sugar and dairy products, flour products and chocolates. Soups, beans, whole grains, cold pressed oils, lentils and lightly cooked oils should be eaten during infection.
Turmeric contains curcumin which is helpful in healing the area infected due to sinusitis. It has a number of health benefits and is beneficial for treating the sinus infection. It can be consumed in the form of spices and can be added in the foods. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial in reducing the inflammation caused due to sinusitis.
Mix a small spoonful of horseradish in crushed form with juice prepared from lemon. Japanese radish can be taken in the form of Wasabi paste before taking meals. It is helpful in providing quick release to the nasal passages.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that are helpful in the treatment of sinusitis. Add a few drops of oregano oil in hot water and use it for inhalation.
Steaming helps in reducing inflammation caused by sinusitis. It is a very common remedy and has been used since ancient times. Take water in a large bowl and heat it below the boiling temperature. Inhale the steam coming out of the water directly over the face for fifteen minutes one time per day.
Exercise is helpful for the patients suffering from sinusitis. It is beneficial in reducing the pressure caused due to sinusitis. It is useful in increasing the production of adrenaline which is a natural hormone that helps in shrinking the swollen tissue. It is useful in making the breathing process easier. Twenty minutes of exercise per day is sufficient for the patients of sinusitis.
Saline water is helpful in clearing the nasal passages. It reduces swelling and inflammation caused due to sinusitis. Add one teaspoon of table salt in one cup of distilled water. Pour this saline solution in the neti pot and rinse away the nasal irritants.
Alkalol is a natural salt water solution that contains the healing oil which is effective in calming and soothing the tissue affected with sinusitis. Saline nasal spray can be helpful in dissolving the thick mucus and clearing the infection caused due to sinusitis.
Pineapple contains bromelain which has anti-inflammatory properties that are useful in reducing the swelling of the nasal passage. Eating fresh pineapple is beneficial for the patients of sinusitis.
Hot and Spicy Condiments
Smell the hot and spicy condiments like horseradish, wasabi, ground chilli pepper and spicy salsa. These hot condiments are helpful in making the nose run and eyes to water that would provide relief from sinusitis and are useful in draining them. It helps in making the breathing process easier and removes the nasal irritants.
Grapefruit Seed Extract & Green Tea Extract
Grapefruit seed extract can be used as nasal spray and can be used up to four times in a day. Its effects are similar to the antibiotics. Green tea extract can be used in the form of pills or tea.
Consuming two cups of the herbal tea prepared from green tea extract during the morning time is beneficial for the patients for sinusitis. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
HEPA Filter
Use a combination of air filter and HEPA filter that would be helpful in removing the allergens that are responsible for causing sinusitis. Dust, dirt, pollen and air pollutants are some of the potential allergens.
Baking Soda
Add one fourth teaspoon of salt in one eighth teaspoon of baking soda. Add this mixture in four ounces of warm water. Flush this solution into the nose two to four times in a day using a neti pot or a syringe.
Colloidal Silver, Ginger & Olive Leaf Extract
Consuming one drop of colloidal silver six times in a day is recommended. Compress prepared from ginger is beneficial for the patients suffering from sinusitis.
It reduces sinusitis inflammation and opens up the nasal passages. Olive leaf extract is helpful in fighting against yeast and reducing the infection caused due to sinusitis.
Drinking Fluids
Drinking a lot of fluids like water and juice is beneficial for the patients suffering from sinusitis. It is helpful in diluting the mucous secretions. Avoid consuming alcohol as it can worsen the inflammation which occurs due to sinusitis. Caffeine should also be avoided.
Consuming bromalain on an empty stomach is beneficial for the patients of sinusitis. It is a natural supplement and an enzyme which is derived from pineapple. It is helpful for digestion and has healing properties. Consuming five hundred milligrams of bromalain per day is sufficient for the patients of sinusitis.
Garlic is helpful in the treatment of sinus infection. It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that are beneficial for the patients of sinusitis. It can be taken in the form of juice or capsule. Add the chopped garlic in boiling water and inhale the steam coming out of it two to three times per day.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.