Lice are wingless insects which are also known as fly babies. They feed on blood, skin debris, feather parts and sebaceous secretions. Louse egg is also known as a nit. Living eggs of lice are white in colour while the dead ones are orange in colour.
Lice spend their lives on the host that adapt by maintaining close contact with the host. When the lice bite the scalp, it causes itchiness. Lice can also transmit microbial diseases and reduce the life expectancy of the host.
Top Natural Cures for Lice
White Kitchen Vinegar
Applying delousing shampoo on the hair and keeping for ten minutes is one of the effective ways of treating lice. Take 50% white kitchen vinegar and mix it in 50% water and apply on the hair. Rinse and apply a few times to avoid the odour. Apply the shampoo again after ten days.
Olive Oil
Mix half cup of vinegar with half cup of olive oil. Apply this mixture over the hair close to the scalp before taking bath. Take bath after keeping it for half an hour. Another remedy is to mix olive oil, Vaseline and mayonnaise. Apply this mixture over the head and keep it for overnight. Wash the mixture in the morning time that would provide relief from lice.
Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is helpful for the treatment of lice. Apply it over the scalp and keep it overnight. Baby oil or mineral oil can be used in the morning time for removing the petroleum jelly along with lice. Repeating this remedy for several nights would be beneficial.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a natural lice killer. Add twenty drops of tea tree oil in ten drops of rosemary oil. Make a mixture of fifteen drops of lemon and lavender oil, and add in the previous one. Add four teaspoons of vegetable oil in that mixture and apply over the head. Keep it for an hour and rinse the hair with water.
Another remedy is to mix two ounces of olive oil in twenty drops of tea tree oil. Apply this mixture over the head using cotton balls. Tea tree oil can also be mixed in alcohol and can be sprayed over the hair. Keep this solution for at least twelve hours before applying shampoo.
Wash the Clothes
Wash bedding, clothing and other washable things in hot water to prevent lice to affect other persons. These clothing should not be used by the other persons. Disinfectants should be used for washing the clothes. Coat worn by the person affected with lice should be put in dryer for killing the lice and the eggs.
Washable items should be sealed in plastic bags for one week. Other wearable like hats, ribbons and scarves should also be kept away from the healthy people.
Avoid Sweets
Avoiding eating sweets would be helpful in the prevention of lice as the lice get attracted by the blood containing high amount of glucose.
Coconut Oil
Apply coconut oil over the head after applying shampoo and conditioner.
Mayonnaise Oil
Apply mayonnaise oil over the head and massage. Comb the hair after two hours. The oil is helpful in killing the lice and their eggs.
Mix lemon and butter together and apply over the head. Keep for twenty seconds and rinse thoroughly. It is helpful in killing the lice.
Washing the hair with vinegar is beneficial for the treatment of lice. Vinegar is effective in killing the lice eggs in two days. Baby oil can be mixed with vinegar. Mix equal amount of both of these and apply over the head.
Keeping as such for one hour being applied over the head. Wash the head with shampoo afterwards. It is helpful in removing lice from the hair.
Shaving Cream
Shaving cream is helpful in killing lice and their eggs. Apply a thick coating of shaving cream over the head and rub it. Keep it for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
Listerine is helpful in the treatment of lice. Apply this over the head and keep for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash it with water to remove the solution.
Take about eight to ten almonds and make a paste out of it. Adding two to three teaspoons of lime juice is beneficial. Applying this paste over the scalp would be an effective treatment for lice. Keep this paste for about half an hour and rinse.
Paste can be prepared by adding one teaspoon each of garlic and lime juice. It can be applied over the scalp for killing the lice. Keep the paste for half an hour and wash with water.
Applying the raw form of lemon for one time in a week would help in the prevention of lice and dandruff.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is helpful in the prevention of lice growth.
Using a long toothed comb made of metal would be helpful in eliminating lice from the hair. Avoid using the comb which the affected person has used. Used comb can be washed by first immersing it in hot water for ten minutes. It would be helpful in killing the lice.
Also Read
Effective Home Remedies For Lice
Natural Treatment For Head Lice
5 Effective Herbal Remedies For Lice
Home Remedies For Killing Lice
Bleach Solution
Make a solution by mixing ten parts of water in one part of bleach. Wipe the hard surface and floor with the bleach solution on a daily basis.
Rosemary Oil
Mix one tablespoon of rosemary oil in one tablespoon of tea tree oil. Eucalyptus oil can be used in place of rosemary oil. Apply this mixture over the head which would provide relief from lice.
Lavender Oil
Make a mixture of two drops each of lavender, eucalyptus oil and geranium oil and add it in the body lotion. Massaging this mixture over scalp and keeping it for thirty minutes to one hour as such would be a beneficial remedy for the treatment of lice.
Another remedy is to mix two drops each of lavender, geranium, rosemary and eucalyptus oil and add three teaspoons of vinegar. Add the whole mixture in one jug of water and apply over the head.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.