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5 Home Remedies For Nits


If you have head lice then you might have tried all the products to get rid of them, but what about their eggs? Most of the techniques work by suffocating lice and are not affective on louse eggs called nits. Results? Your hair get cleared of all the lice giving a satisfying result.

But, problem occurs when the untreated louse eggs hatch after few days, wasting all your effort! In order to get completely rid of lice, it is important to use remedies that work upon nits. The article includes some home remedies which will help you in solving the problem.

Effective Home Remedies For Nits

Use Lice Comb

Lice comb is the one which has thin teeth that are extremely close. Space between the teeth is enough only for your hair to pass through. When you use the comb over your strands, it allows your hair to pass through and traps anything that is stuck on your hair. As a result, nits get trapped in the comb. Keep a bowl of water while using lice comb so that you can dip the comb in bowl to clean it off all the nits everytime you see them trapped. Nits are strongly bound to hair with a special liquid released by lice, hence trapping the eggs may require a little effort. It would be better to rinse your hair with water and entangle them with a normal comb before using this remedy. This would allow easy usage of lice comb and would reduce hair breakage.


The vinegar that you add in some of your foods can be added in your hair as well. It is not only a shine booster but also a nit remover. Vinegar works by dissolving the outer layer of lice eggs, hence killing them. Once the egg is detached from your hair, it cannot survive for long.

You just have to apple little vinegar near your scalp. Make sure you apply it near the scalp and not on it, because nits are attached close to scalp and aim of the remedy is to take vinegar to nits and not to scalp or hair. Allow vinegar to work for atleast 30 minutes, after which you can wash your hair. Follow the process twice a week for two to three weeks.

Orange Juice

Using fruit juice in hair sounds a little strange but yes, the remedy works! Pour orange juice in your hair and use your fingers to spread it throughout. Orange juice works by loosening the eggs from your hair. They can then be removed easily by using a lice comb. Comb throughout and wash the comb simultaneously to get rid of trapped nits. If you find it difficult to use comb over juiced hair, apply juice and let it work for 15-20 minutes. You can then rinse your hair with water. Finally, use the lice comb to remove nits and wash your hair with a shampoo, if required.

Lemon Water

Lemon water can also be used to treat nits. Squeeze half a lemon in a cup of water and mix properly. Pour this mixture over your head and spread it all over your hair with the help of your fingers. Make sure to use ample of it near your scalp, where the nits are stuck. Lemon in the mixture would work by dissolving the substance that sticks eggs to hair. Let the lemon do it’s job for around 15 minutes. Rinse your hair with water and use a lice comb to remove the dead eggs.


Heating your hair would help in killing the nits. Heat dries out the eggs, leaving them dead. For heating, you can use heating machines available in market such as a hair dryer or a hair straightener. You can also try the remedy by giving steam to your hair. After washing your hair, boil water in a pan and expose your hair to the steam.

This can be a little dangerous as the steam may cause burns on your skin. So make sure you do it carefully. Use this remedy twice a week for two to three weeks only. Once you think your head is clear of all the unwanted organisms, discontinue the heat treatment. Excess heating would not only dry out the eggs but also your hair. The heat would draw out moisture from your hair rendering them dry and brittle. Such hair have unhealthy look and break easily on combing.

To get your hair rid of lice and nits, make sure you use above remedies along with the ones to kill lice. Using them unfailingly for 2-3 weeks would bring out satisfactory results.

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