Restless leg syndrome, commonly referred to as RLS, is a condition where there will be constant twitching and turning movement of leg. This condition may occur due to the pain or uneasiness occurring on the legs. RLS generally affects women who cross the age of 50. But, it is also common among pregnant women too.
Rather than getting some kind of chemical treatment, it is better to take up natural treatment. Especially, pregnant women can go for natural treatment, as chemicals may have certain side effects. These treatments are often simple and you can do it with available products.
Treat Restless Leg Syndrome Naturally
Magic Of Hot Water Bath
Taking bath before going for sleep is good in a number of ways. It will give a very good sleep all through the night, relieving you from all the stress of the day. Hot water bath before going to bed is also found helpful in relieving you from restless leg syndrome.
You can also scrub the leg after bath and then go to sleep. This is a really effective temporary treatment. Though the effect of this treatment is temporary, you can still get an immediate relief out of it.
Dates To Improve Iron Level
Being anemic may also be one of the reasons for the occurrence of this syndrome. So, get yourself checked if you are really anemic. Anemia may affect you in more than one way, and you have to put it all effort to alleviate it as soon as possible.
Taking at least 3 to 5 dates at the night along with a glass of milk at night is found to be an effective treatment to boost up the iron content in your body and to bring you out of anemic conditions. Once, if your iron content comes to normal, you will see that you get relief from restless leg syndrome as well.
Walk For Your Health
Walking is always considered as a good form of exercise to the body. Walking at least an hour in the evenings is found to reduce the pain in the legs.
Though the pain may always be there, it is only at the night you will feel it very badly, making the nights sleepless. So, it is better to walk in the evening, so that you do not get the pain at nights and have a good sleep too.
Apply Acupressure On Affected Leg
Putting pressure on the let which pains can also put an end to RLS. This is usually done using index and middle finger, by pressuring the knee area of the leg which pains. This should be done in a proper way, or else there will be no desired results.
RLS is not something that you have to worry too much off. There may be simple reasons like stress which is responsible for it. Once you identify the root cause, the treatment is simple.
Use Compressions To Feel Better
You can also use either hot or cold compression, to get relieve from pain. When pain ceases, then there will be no other problem too.
So, try this compression at night time, before going to bed. Warm compression is found to be more effective than cold compression.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.