Thrush is the development of yellowish or white layer in the tongue, which gives a fuzzy feel. This is developed due to the fungus that lives in the mouth. This fungus is generally harmless and lives in sync with the functions of mouth.
But, when you immune system weakens, the number of fungus may multiply, causing the condition leading to thrush. It is always not a good idea to completely eliminate this fungus, as it is needed for some of the functions. So, you can take up some natural treatment without completely killing the fungus.
Coconut oil has several good properties like anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which can be used in the treatment of thrush. After washing the mouth with water, you can apply coconut oil using fingers.
This should be applied completely in the tongue and gums. Make sure that the oil acts on the fungus affected area, and you do not swallow it immediately after applying. You can also apply mustard oil instead of coconut oil, if you feel this to be better. It also has similar effects.
Betel leaves has mouth refreshing properties, and it is often used to eliminate bad smell from mouth. If is also very effective in curing fungal and bacterial infection in mouth. You can grind some of the betel leaves and extract juice from it, which can used as a mouth wash. You can also directly eat the raw betel leaf without further processing. As you keep chewing the leaves, it will help in washing away of fungus, thus reducing infection.
Black tea has a particular element called tannin, which is a fighter element. This can effectively fight against any kind of fungal infections. So, prepare a thick decoction of black tea everyday and rinse your mouth using it. This is found to be a very effective treatment against thrush. You have to follow this daily for effective results.
Curd, a product from milk, is scientifically proven to contain bacteria that have several good effects on human body. These bacteria are necessary for proper functioning of the body. These also can act upon yeast or fungi and destroy its growth completely. So, take some thick curd, by filtering off the watery content. You can then apply it completely on the tongue and leave it for a while. You can also intake a cup of curd daily to completely treat the fungal infection.
Garlic is generally considered to cause bad breathe and is often avoided from diet. But, it has several medicinal properties which should not be ignored. You can apply the garlic paste in the fungal affected region. This will create an acidic environment in mouth and spoil the habitat for fungi to live and grow. In this way this will curb the infection completely.
Thrush may be a very irritating and embarrassing kind of disease which has to be treated at the right time. If these natural treatments do not give away the desired result, it is better to go for a physician.
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