Fungal infections are called as mycoses. They usually affect skin and sometimes cause serious respiratory and digestive tract infections. Fungal infections flourish in warm, moist and dark places, and therefore they mostly affect the skin of your toes, finger nails, and foot.
Sometimes they may infect your respiratory tract, groin area, inside your mouth and reproductive tract. Your immune system if becomes weak due to unhealthy lifestyle, frequent use of antibiotics, drugs and medications, you are more likely to get fungal and secondary bacterial infections. However, you don’t have to panic because scientifically proven natural home remedies offer you everlasting benefits against such fungal infections. A few of such home remedies are given below:
7 Home Remedies For Fungal Infections
Garlic And Carrot
Many research studies have shown that garlic has very powerful antifungal properties because alllicin compound present in it possesses antibacterial and antifungal activity. In addition to this, garlic also contains many beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds. Therefore, make it a habit to chew a few garlic cloves early in the morning on empty stomach to witness several health benefits shortly after a few weeks of usage.
Similarly, Carrot also possesses amazing antifungal activity as it contains a derivatve isocoumarin, along with several ethanolic compounds that have already shown antimicrobial effect against a wide variety of microorganisms.
If you are suffering from severe fungal infections of your skin, then you can use garlic paste mixed with lavender or olive oil and apply it to the infectious surfaces of your skin like toes, finger nails, and foot. You can continue this treatment for several weeks to gain maximum recovery from fungal infections.
Use Coconut Oil
Coconut is a miraculous fruit because its water is amazingly nutritious, fruit is really superb for your digestive system, and its oil has got amazing healing properties. Coconut as a complete fruit contains all vital vitamins, phytohormones, minerals, fiber and even amino acids.
Apart from all these health benefits it strengthens your immune system due to the presence of huge amounts of saturated fatty acids like caprylic acids. Caprylic acid is particularly effective against fungi owing to its tendency of breaking the cell wall of fungus by dissolving inside it.
In addition to this beneficial role, caprylic acid also assists in proper digestion by easing the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids from the food you eat.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is widely used as a powerful home remedy for different health related issues. However, its role in preventing and eradicating fungal infections cannot be ignored because in many ways it is beneficial. For instance, you can bathe the affected regions of your skin with baking soda mixed water to prevent skin fungal infection, especially those of the foot (Athlete’s foot), mouth (candida) and toe-nail (tinea pedis).
Baking soda makes the environment alkaline by increasing the pH and making it basic, which is unfavorable as fungi grow in acidic environment. Baking soda is equally effective against yeast, tinea and candida fungus. Consuming baking soda sometimes can be toxic. Therefore, it is not preferable for consumption barring its limited usage as a mouthwash and for rinsing purpose only.
Essential Oils
Essential oils possess antibacterial and antifungal properties because many scientific research studies have concluded the effectiveness of the essential oils from clove, oregano, thyme and orange against several yeasts and bacteria including the most pathogenic species like candida, aspergillus and tinea.
Clove oil contains an active antifungal agent eugenol, which is effective against several pathogenic fungi. Similarly, orange oil with d-limonene and oregano oil with isomeric phenols are also very effective against most of the pathogenic strains of fungi.
Yogurt is a natural probiotic and you can use it in between your meals to prevent fungal infections and eradicate your existing fungal infections.
Certain healthy bacteria like acidophilus, and lactobacillus restore a healthy balance of supportive bacteria in your digestive tract and thus remove pathogenic  fungi and bacteria from your body and also minimize the chances of getting bacterial and fungal infections. Other milk products rich in probiotics include butter milk, kefir, fortified milk products, fortified soy products, etc.

Oregano has got amazing health promoting abilities because it contains certain natural aromatic phenolic compounds like carvacol, which possesses profound ability of improving healthy beneficial bacteria throughout your body and thus lowers the risk of acquiring bacterial and fungal infections.
Similarly, some other foods rich in phenolic compounds include dill, thyme, parsley and rosemary.
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil contains several active antimicrobial and antifungal agents and therefore it is commonly used in many herbal medicines.
Since ancient times it has been in usage to treat inflammation, fevers and digestive and respiratory tract infections. Eucalyptus oil is safe for both internal and external applications.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.