Peculiarly bean shaped kidneys are undoubtedly one of the most powerful organs in the human body. Its primary function is filtration and removal of toxic and unwanted waste products as well as excess salt and fluid via urine formation. The constant and efficient work of kidneys ensure optimal regulation of blood pressure, maintenance of normal level of electrolytes and are closely involved in formation of red blood cells. Therefore, if for some reason kidneys begin to lose control over its working, many parts of the body are impacted, especially the heart.
Fortunately, nature has provided us with several types of herbs that aid in strengthening or resorting the normal functioning of kidneys. The proper use of such herbs ensures not just detoxification, but also helps resolve infections involving the urinary tract as well as curbs the risk of kidney stone formation. Thus, if you are looking for safe and efficacious ways of treating kidney infection, such as pyelonephritis or chronic kidney disorders, try the below mentioned herbs.
Mostly referred to as Blowball, priest’s crown or lion’s teeth, Dandelion has been used primarily for rectifying several types of ailments that affect organs, such as the kidney, liver or spleen. Its ability to function as a herbal diuretic makes it more than a reliable option for kidney disorders. Unlike usual diuretics, dandelion favor removal of the excess amount of water, salt and helps in flushing out kidney stones, but without inducing depletion in the level of potassium. Therefore, its use is safer as compared to other alternatives. Other than that, Dandelion root works as an anti-inflammatory herb.
There are indeed many forms in which dandelion can be used, be it capsules, herbal tinctures, tea infusion or tablets. For herbal tea preparation, steep one to two teaspoons of dandelion greens (dried form) in a bowlful of water for roughly ten minutes. Strain and drink this tea at least two to three times in a day. Some of the side effects associated with its use include formation of mouth sores, acidity or an allergic skin reaction. Pregnant and lactating mothers or those with gall bladder disorders should not use this herb.
Creosote bush, commonly known as Chaparral is a frequently used herb for both, preventive and curative purposes. Not only is the use of this Mexican herb effective for preventing or dissolving renal stones, but also successfully treats stones found in the gall bladder. However, one must only take this herb under the supervision of a doctor. Careful monitoring is needed as an excessive dose or prolonged intake may result in more damage than good, especially in relation to kidney and liver.
Eupatorium purpureum is the botanical name of Gravel root, which is also called as Kidney root and Queen of the Meadow for its effectiveness in resolving both, bladder and renal stones. Its use aids in dissolving calcified deposits by sprucing the amount of fluids that flush out the stone via the urinary system. Not just that, its consumption ensures that uric acid does not accumulate in the body. It also helps in treating urinary tract infections, which is one of the causative agents that lead to the formation of kidney stones.
Besides its diuretic action, it also consists of salicin which works as a pain reliever. When consumed as a tincture (1-2 ml thrice in a day), gravel root improves water retention and flushes out kidney stones.
One of the best ways to improve the health and functioning ability of the kidneys is by resorting to cranberry juice. The anti-oxidant rich juice extracted from cranberries can deter the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. The ‘British Journal of Urology’ recommends daily consumption of unsweetened juice, prepared by mixing a cup of cranberry extract with 3 cups of water. The presence of an acidic compound, quinic acid alters the pH of urine, making it mildly acidic.
This slight alteration in pH significantly reduces the formation of calcium and phosphate-rich, insoluble renal stones. Its intake is useful for patients with a history of recurrent and multiple kidney stones. Cranberry juice also helps in battling kidney infections, especially those caused by E.coli.
Another noted herb for treating kidney related conditions is Astragalus membranaceus. This adaptogenic herb shields the body (including kidney) against many forms of physical and mental stress. Studies have proved that this herb plays many roles, such as that of an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, immune strengthening herbal agent, and also exhibit potential for promoting regeneration of tissue. Any of the following forms can be put to use, from liquid extract, capsules and tablets.
The root portion of astragalus helps in reducing the level of protein excreted via the urine (in cases of progressive kidney problems, like membranous glomerulonephritis). Before initiating intake or topical application, it is advisable to consult a doctor regarding dose estimation along with potential side effects.
Among all the other effective herbs, one cannot miss out on hydrangea. Hydrangea arborescens is a non-toxic herbal cure for kidney diseases. It proves beneficial because of its inherent ability to exert strong diuretic action which cleanses the urinary tract. It is safe and effective to use this herb in combination with Gravel root. Remember, the leaves of this shrub must not be consumed as it contains certain toxic compounds.
Horse Chestnut, also known as Buckeye is a herb that controls inflammation and painful spasms caused by renal calculi. By reducing the severity of inflammation, this herb aids in accentuating the diameter of ureter which makes way for easier removal of kidney stone. You must, however, never consume the seeds, leaves or bark portion of Horse chestnut in raw form owing to the presence of a poisonous chemical called esculin.
Presence of rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid in Rosmarinus officinalis makes this herb a blessing for patients with kidney disorders. This anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory herb can be taken on a daily basis as liquid extract. Its use, however, is not advocated in pregnant women as well as patients who have hypertension or history of epileptic seizures.
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