Bursitis can occur when injuries are caused due to physical activity. Amidst every juncture there is a cushion which is filled with the liquid bursa and this fluid is present in the mid of the bones of junctures. The bursa acts as shock suction and prevents the tissues to get damaged from attrition. A swelling caused in bursa is known as bursitis and happen due to bruising, repetitive movements, excessive pressure etc.
It does not only affect the knees but even shoulders, heels, elbow etc. and affects an individual of every age. The signs of bursitis are stiffness, pain in the specific area, and the infected area gets swollen etc. The excessive production of bursa due to overstimulation causes uneasiness and provides a burning sensation, redness and stiffness etc. There are various natural or homemade remedies which help in overcome swelling without much time, expense and effort. They are:-
Natural Cures For Bursitis
A Proper Relaxation And Rest
A proper relaxation and sleep is required when there is an inflammation in the bursa and irritation in the motion of such body parts.
When there is a swelling in the upper joint of the arms it needs to be kept stagnant or if there is an inflammation towards the hip area then an individual should be off the floor etc. By doing this there is a minimization in the swelling and an individual feels comfortable.
Application Of Frozen Water And Moist Temp
An application of frozen water or ice bags every twenty minutes for the initial two days towards the bursa helps in overcoming bursitis if an individual is affected for the first time.
If the grief and the swelling have not subsided after the application of ice bags then a moist temp application should be done. Each day two times through heat pads moist temp should be applied after ice as the heat seeps in through the skin and providers much more relief than an arid skin.
An Effect Of DMSO
Dimethylsulfoxide is crystal clear in nature, without color, greasy residue with a slight smell of sulphur and when rubbed over the affected area it seeps through the layers of the skin minimizing the inflammation and grief. It is available in both liquid and solid form, but the gel may cause skin irritation and liquid’s relief is temporary.
Alternatively, cotton can be soaked in the mixture of DMSO and water and applied over the skin. It is recommendatory to apply the mixture three times each day to overcome the problem.
The Outcome Of The Oil From Castor Seeds
Castor oil is very beneficial and effective for various health issues and the best way is to directly rub the oil pack on the skin.
Application of heated ball of cotton soaked in castor oil around the affected area wrapped with a towel helps to overcome bursitis. The pack should be kept for an hour and should be washed off with the warm soda liquid.
Few yogasanas and exercise need to be done regularly to overcome the pain. Exercises like clutching the hands from back and moving the elbows or is to place ourselves against the wall and crawl the fingers upwards and downwards the wall without an extra stress or swinging of arms like a ticker etc. A repetition of such exercises each day ten to twenty times is recommendatory.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.