Glomerulonephritis is a kidney or renal disease characterized by the inflammation of the glomeruli which are small filters located in the kidney. This is also known as glomelular disease and it can be acute or chronic in nature. Medical treatment is essential to cure this disease. Natural cures can be used alongside for making the person recover faster.
This disease can occur on its own and it can also co-occur along with another disease. Natural cures include anti-inflammatory foods and herbs. You also need to follow certain precautions in order to make the person heal more rapidly. This article will discuss some of the best natural cures for glomerulonephritis.
Natural Cures For Glomeluronephritis
Reduce Your Salt Intake
Water retention, hypertension and swelling are some of the common symptoms of glomeluronephritis. Salt contains ingredients which aggravate these symptoms.
Therefore, you should restrict the amount of salt you ingest and reduce it by a significant proportion. Try to eat food items in their natural vitamins and minerals without adding any salt. You can also try to reduce the salt gradually so that the adjustment process will be easier.
Avoid High Protein Diet
Protein results in accumulation of huge amounts of waste in the body. Glomeruli are tiny filters in the kidney which remove excess fluids and waste from the body. If you eat a large amount of protein in your diet, it will put more strain and pressure on the glomeruli. Following the digestion of protein, there is production of a waste material called urea. This waste material cannot be expelled effectively in patients with this disease.
So eating excessive amounts of protein further builds pressure on the kidneys and exacerbates the condition. Therefore, you should avoid high protein items such as chicken, mutton, eggs, poultry, meat, cottage cheese and legumes. Make sure that you limit the amount of protein you take each day and ensure that you avoid foods high in protein.
Minimize Your Ingestion Of Potassium Rich Foods
Potassium creates a lot of excess fluids and waste in the human body. Glomeruli filter the waste from the nutrients. Therefore, it is important that you minimize the amount of potassium you eat during the day.
Potassium rich foods which should be avoided include turkey, bananas, apricot, sweet potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, legumes and nuts. Cutting down on the amount of potassium you eat will also slow down the aggregation of waste products in your blood. You should also avoid beverages or cooked food containing these items.
Make Sure You Exercise Gently
Exercise is very important for maintaining your ideal body weight. It is recommended that those people who suffer from this disease should not be obese as this can further intensify the symptoms and put pressure on the kidneys, especially the glomeruli. Exercise also releases endorphins which make a person feel good.
Exercise also ensures that the person remains active and healthy, and avoids the co-occurrence of other diseases along with this disorder. Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for speedy recovery from this disease.
Take Adequate Rest
Bed rest is often advisable for patients diagnosed with this kidney disease. Adequate rest is very important to lessen the symptoms of this disease. It is important that you get enough sleep in the night and take rest when you need it. People with acute form of this disease should rest because this reduces pressure on the kidneys by lowering the blood pressure.
In fact, until the blood and protein disappear from the urine, patients with acute glomerulonephritis are advised complete bed rest. For those with chronic form of this disease, adequate rest is also necessary as this lessens the blood pressure and ensures relief from the symptoms of glomerulonephritis
Reduce The Amount Of Processed And Canned Foods
Processed and canned foods are high in sodium. Sodium is important in the regulation of the degree of fluid in your body. If the blood contains huge amounts of protein, this increases water retention in the body. Excessive fluid retention leads to increase in the volume of blood which in turn causes high blood pressure.
High blood pressure causes strain on the kidneys and worsens the symptoms of glomerulonephritis. Processed meats, canned foods, salted snacks and ready to eat food items contain huge amounts of sodium. Therefore, you should reduce your intake of such food items in order to improve your health, if you are suffering from glomerulonephritis.
Limit The Quantity Of Fluids You Drink
As the glomeruli are inflamed, it is very difficult to remove excess fluid from the body in people diagnosed with this disease. Therefore, you should avoid drinking excessive amounts of water and juices to avoid worsening the symptoms of glomerulonephritis.
You should also regulate your intake of water in a day very carefully. Make sure you also eat food items such as fluid filled raw fruits, soups, gravies and milk in limited amounts. With effort and adequate care, you will be able to avoid the complications of this disease.
Try Astragalus Root
Astragalus is a herb which has been known to strengthen the immune system. Astragalus Membranaceus is the botanical name of this herb. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties because of which it is used to treat diseases like glomerulonephritis. Astragalus root can be combined with cooked Rehmannia root and taken to counter symptoms of glomerulonephritis such as blood and protein in the urine, which results from the inflammation and consequent malfunctioning of the glomeruli.
Astragalus root also helps to improve renal function in general and can also be taken by itself as a herbal remedy for glomerulonephritis.
Use Turmeric
You can crush the dried root of Turmeric and consume this powder daily for relief from glomerulonephritis. Turmeric is known botanically as Curcuma Longa. This herb has many healing powers. It is antibacterial as well as rich in antioxidants. It is also a natural antiseptic. Most importantly, this herb is a potent anti-inflammatory.
This is because Turmeric is rich in a substance called curcumin. Curcumin is an ingredient which reduces the amount of cytokines in the body. Cytokines are proteins which cause inflammation in the body. As glomeruli in the kidneys are swollen in this disease, Turmeric is an effective natural cure which ensures relief from the symptoms of this disease.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.