10 Remedies For Anti Anxiety


What is anxiety? It is a state of the mind when it is unable to rest. Such a anxious mind can never relax and someone who does not rest and experiences constant pressure can never be peaceful. If there is no peace there is less efficiency and the results of this can be precarious. Most of the doctors advise the patient to take powerful medicines; addictive and also harmful as they have severe side effects like personality hitches.  These make the idea of having them very unattractive and repulsive, finally making it not a preferred resort for patients of anxiety. There are several herbal anti-anxiety remedies and medications for patients who always stay anxious and cannot relax easily. This condition is  bad for mental health and also very destructive for the stomach. It can result in stomach disorders, body ache and blood pressure irregularities. The main effects of this precarious  psychological condition are • Heart Palpitations at times, along with blood pressure conditions . • Regular condition of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. • Emotional inconsistency, irritation, Instability and More.

Herbal Remedies to Reduce Anxiety


Catnip is an amazing natural anti anxiety herb.  One of the freshest group of mint, it is pretty effective and fights many crucial features of anxiety. Catnip alleviates stomach cramps, crimps,  irritations, and spams and also prevent them from coming back. The stomach growls at times with anxiety and this powerful herb mitigates the unease to a good extent. It is also very  effective in controlling the headaches associated with insomnia caused by anxiety conditions. It all in all improves appetite, soothes muscles and curbs down the stress in many hassled patients.


If you are experiencing mild levels of the restlessness, chamomile works pretty well for you. Chamomile is a soothing ingredient which reduces nervousness and calms the mind and as a result the stomach. It is good at  reducing digestive problems and boosts appetite. This one also eases headaches and stabilizes the patient’s  lung condition, consequently leading to better breathing. Chamomile is good for  breathlessness brought in by anxiety. This one is mild and it can cure small children too so it might be used to help  them but under supervision, and definitely not for  prolonged periods.

Fennel Mild

The effect of this magical herb is not seen directly on the anxiety but on the related conditions which are prone to  make you uncomfortable; the load of the ailments which generally accompany anxiety is too much.  Anything that helps these are welcome.  Fennel treats  the common complementary features of anxiety, like indigestion, body ache, headache and coughing, sometimes also triggered asthma.

Kava Kava

Kava Kava, is the best of the herbs if the anxiety disorder is severe. This root is  can be taken with food to combat anxiety and related insomnia. The figures prove that it helps the worst patients in this respect. The fascinating fact about Kava is that in addition to  reducing symptoms, it also helps the patient to think positive. Thanks to Mother Nature fo offering such miracles!  If you are by any chance an alcohol drinker , you may  risk your liver by using Kava.


Hops, is a known and popular beer ingredient. But it has additional uses . Hops is a common and effective medical ingredient too. When in relation to anxiety  disorders, it works great at fighting stress,  headaches, indigestion,insomnia and general instable nervous conditions. Hops regulates blood pressure, stabilizes uric acid measures  and finally also treats some infections of the skin . What more? This amazing thing provides relief from the conditions of rheumatism. A versatile herb!


This herb’s nomenclature is exactly related to its popularity amongst the women. Commonly used in menstrual conditions, it arms pregnant women  to manage their  stress and tension  after the initial two trimesters. It triggers and controls blood stimulation and also does not affect the blood pressure adversely. Motherwort mitigates heart palpitations, and calms the associated fatigue.

Passion Flower

This herbal anti-anxiety product  is quite popular and Mother nature’s precious gift like the Kava. It is for moderate anxiety, but may also work well with severe levels of anxiety. It eases muscle pressures, insomnia, controls mood swings and  hot flashes along with reducing headaches and calming the nerves . Avoid passionflower if you are on a dose of MAOIs.


Skullcap with its anti-inflammatory properties, relaxes twitching  muscles, soothes the conditions of epilepsy and restless leg syndrome . It sedates patients well to fight insomnia, and reduces fast heartbeats. it is also good against restlessness and depressions. This herb is not good for pregnant women.

St. John’s Wort

This herb is a quick mood up lifter and fights good levels of depression also very well. It cures diarrhea, gastroenteritis, and also along with it has many other medicinal uses.

Valerian Root

Valerian Root, is something which is taken orally and can be the best. it is incredible and has good sedative properties. It is preferred by patients with insomnia. It helps to sleep by relaxing body and muscles promptly. Some more conditions it can cure are uterine cramps, frequent bronchial spasms and also anxiety related persistent coughs. For children under 12 it is dangerous, and also for anyone who is taking antidepressants.  Pregnant women should abstain from it. These herbs are found easily and are available at nearby stores  today. Cheaper in comparison to  allopathic and other formulated medicines, they are used by many for instant relief. They can generally safely  be used by anxiety patients as anti anxiety herbal remedies to reduce unease by most people. But, the outcome  is somewhat subjective. So, use them after consultation and also take controllled proportions. The usage may vary  may vary from person to person. So, check and consult with your medical practitionist before trying these herbal anti-anxiety treatments. Does not take anything which may have gruesome side effects. The results should be evaluated by light usage and only if things remain on the safer side , one should continue these as permanent anxiety controllers. Natural herbs have been used over centuries to fight nerve disorders and you may also with due vigilance, try them.

View Comments

  • Very nice.. I will recommend daily dose of Magnesium and Gaba. Take only the recommended dose, and at the same time every day. I suffered for decades, and now the panic attacks are non existent. If I have a stressful situation, it is what it is, but doesn't blow up to an attack.

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